
Trend »Made in China«, Tageszeitung junge Welt, 15.08.2024

Trend »Made in China«, Tageszeitung junge Welt, 15.08.2024


»Offen für Zukunftstechnik«: VW-Werk in the Province of Jilin im Nordosten der Volksrepublik

The Ent Coupleung of the FRG of China will not be rightful. Erklärtermaßen möchte die Bundesregierung die Wirtschaft unabhängiger vom Land der Mitte machen und lieber ab und zu mal een Kanonenboot vorbeischicken. But they have different plans. If you have direct investment in the area of ​​Gelbem, more and more borders will be in place, who will use the British Financial Times on the day of the reporting of the Bundesbank. Demnach haben deutsche Unternehmen im ersten Halbjahr 7.28 Billiarden Euro investiert in China.

That will happen more than 2023, when 6.5 billion in Germany will be added in new Fertigungsanlagen in Fernost flossen. The Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) in Köln shows all things differently. After the fact that they were lost during the year of construction, 11.9 billion euros were invested, and a more historical history has been established since then. Besides the half dieses Betrages acted in themselves jedoch um Gewinne, who were previously authorized in China. The Bundesbank registriert hingegen vermutlich nur die Kapitalflüsse aus Deutschland nach China.

Whoever received the warnings from the Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz for “geopolitischen Risiken”, all the appeals of the EU Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen from the Western European Council, the Engagement in China will be discussed again. Indes, the man may suspect the German manager. China is another country with a large car market and a market, and there are opportunities for automotive technology. Während Auto repairer here in this country has technical know-how in a large number of aspects that have been built into the gas industry, which has been established in China since the beginning of the years of production of electric cars, buses and heavy vehicles from high-speed vehicles. The experience: In July we will first buy half of the country in our country with electric vehicles or hybrids from Antrieb.

It is not surprising that the majority of German direct investments in the People’s Republic of the Automobile Repair Industry were identified. The worst thing in the future is that it will be so much later. On the other hand, BMW is expected to pay 2.5 billion euros in production in Shenyang, where the VW plant will be located in the western province of Shanghai.

Offensichtlich hat man in deutschen Vorstandsetagen eine eigene Vorstellung von Risikominimierung. Der Trend sei »Lokalisierung«, sitierte die Financial Times a China Experts from the Federal Association of German Industry. Since the end of 2021, the most important thing has happened before production. This appears to be so attractive that the changes in the consumer market are small since their trade history and China would be abgebaut.

Beim IWkracht man ich unterdeessen um deutsche Exportwirtschaft, da hiesige Ausfuhren durch Fertigung vor Ort ersetzt. They are looking for a local strategy at the Cologne Institute as well as a study, so that they will be able to cope with the conflict between the West and the People’s Republic.

It is interesting to dare to be alone in the fall, who are faced with the challenges of the German economy and the Federal Government. These people will be happy to see that you can find all the information you need, the US-Konzerne since then, investments in China and the rest of the EU say there is little commitment in the People’s Republic. During the years, more than half of the EU investments will come from here. Viele in Europa würden sich Sorgen machen, warnte die British Wirtschaftszeitung.