
UnitedHealth: Purchase Signal Lost – Stronger Chart in Turbulent Times!

UnitedHealth: Purchase Signal Lost – Stronger Chart in Turbulent Times!

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If the Konsolidierung der Aktie in de letzten Monaten follows a grim bullish signage, the United Health-Papier will be viewed in a new way. The youngest Rücksetzer zum EMA-20 hat wieder Käufer angelockt.

UnitedHealth-Aktie: Chart vom 13.08.2024, Kürzel: UNH, Kurs: 574.24 USD, Tageschart Quelle: TWS

Mögliches bullisches Szenario

With a price of USD 572.50 you have received a Kaufsignal from the Gesundheitsdienstleister.

Mögliches barisches Szenario

Solange sich die Notierungen über der 20-Tagelinie stops können, while the Bullen am Ball.


The Minnesota Acts will have a strong influence on Wall Street violations for profits in the second half of the 20th century in July. United Health signals that this is the Aktienrückkauf wieder aufnehmen würde. This war could be a Cyberangriff. It is possible that the American American newspaper publishers make more money with the time they spend. A breach of the 600 USD Kursmark now takes a fragment of time.

Quellennachweise, Meinung und sonstige Daten

  • Current Market Cap: USD 530.26 Billion
  • Durchschnittsvolumen der letzten 20 Tag: 2.04 Billion. USD
  • My opinion on UnitedHealth is bullish
  • Source: –
  • Author: Wolfgang Zussner

Release date: 14.08.2024

Comments on an interesting conflict of interest

Persons who have complied with the General Regulation (EU) 596/2014 of the European Parliaments and the Tariffs of 16 April 2014, can be denied all Beziehungen and Belastingen n, that the object of the Recommendation is active. There are as many interesting interests or interesting information as possible for all persons, who have information bzw. an der Erstellung bedeiligt waren.

For the Financial Information Service, of the “Journalist privilege” on Art. 20 Abs. 3 UAbs. 4 Gebrauch Macht, Gelten Zusätzlich de Vorgaben des Pressekodes des Deutschen Presserats und de Journalische Verhaltensgrundsätzen und Empfehlungen des Deutschen Presserats zur Wirtschafts- und Finanzmarktberichterstattung. There may be an interesting conflict in the origin or further development of anlage-empfehlungen or anlage-strategy-empfehlungen in geeigneter Weise offenzulegen.

In this Zusammenhang the following will follow:

There is a conflict of interest for, while the counter has these anlage-empfehlung-positions in UNH-halt. There is an investigation going on into the way a company has an interesting conflict, a company that offers no merit, and the chance that a publication yields results is profitable.

Please be aware of the disclaimer and risks to knowledge that go beyond can blow up.

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