
Easy and consistent customer care |

Easy and consistent customer care |

(Hennef) – Die Klärschlammbehandlung steht vor veld Herausforderungen, de geänderten Rahmenbedingungen bieten aber auch Chancen. Who can ensure consistent and safe clear-cut treatment for the needs of the elderly? This Frage steht im Zentrum der Fortbildungsveranstaltung “Klärschlammbehandlung” am 6./7. November 2024 in Kassel, the Bestandteil der Wasserwirtschaftskurs-Reihe der Deutschen Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall (DWA) ist. The best way to do this is quickly 50 years and a platform for the Austausch über active Entwicklungen und bewährte Verfahren in der Wasserwirtschaft.

Due to the modernization, new plans or plans have emerged in painting new furniture. When the Veranstaltung is carried out, a process of carrying out the execution of the Klärschlammbehandling is carried out, so that new technical installations can be carried out and supported.

The design dealt with a large number of cases with a larger theme. This applies to the legitimate consequences of the treatment and the Grundlagenermittlung – of the investigations into messages in his balance sheet. As soon as the Klärschlamm-conditionierung, -eindickung and -entwässerung have been given a theme. There is a debatable, which technology is appropriate for a well-considered einsatz. Furthermore, the planning, rearrangement and operation became a Klärschlammfaulung, so that the hydraulic operation optimization of the valve with computer-aided flow simulation (CFD) was developed.

Further focus points are the systematic and transparent presentation and implementation of the incorrect description. The installation is attractive for the Entsorgung des Clarifications in a different perspective: What experiences does a large clearing company have, what do small and medium-sized clearing companies do with the Clarifications Company? Phosphorus extraction technology and the revaluation of phosphorus treatment, energy and gas are increasingly discussed. The problem with the complex repairs of the clearing is discussed.

The water engineering courses focus on an engineering and engineering firm that uses knowledge and skills from practice, who work at a college or university that works woolen woolen. If you are aware of the questions, the translation discusses the erforderlichen grundlagen. Studying will probably happen, a study with practical knowledge about the new and new research into new experiences.

The Teilnahmegebühr pays 875 Euro, DWA-Mitglieder costs 730 Euro. The travelers find in H4 Hotel Kassel, Baumbachstrasse 2, Stadthalle, 34119 Kassel statt.

Source and contact address:
DWA – Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall eV Alexandra Bartschat, Fachpresse Theodor-Heuss-Allee 17, 53773 Hennef Telefon: (02242) 8720, Fax: (02242) 872135
