
c Minouche Shafik schmeißt hin

c Minouche Shafik schmeißt hin

When the war began due to Nemat Minouche Shafiks Rücktritt as president of Columbia University, more Dutzend Protesters brought a Kreuzung in Harlem in Jubel aus. A few blocks from the college, their Palestinian flag and art painters have painted with ‘Kamala, wir erasing, genozid ist, was du treibst.’ The protest focuses on the individuality of the democratic presidential candidate and turns into a fier. Shafik hatte am Mittwochabend in a Short erklärt, that Ihren Posten aufgebe. Before the majority of the Beobachter kam der Schritt überraschend, weil the new Semester begins in two weeks.

The Shafik war outweighs the reactions to the student protest against Israel in the criticism. When you see the police on campus in the Frühjahr, it is a fact that the student protest camp has waged a war. While he hates a group of students from the university of Hamilton Hall, Shafik lies about him. Student activists demand, on the other hand, that the university invests in Israel. In total, more than four hundred students from Columbia University were having festivities and hundreds were suspended in the Frühjahr.

In New York, Shafik von allen Seiten unter Druck. Politicians and an idiosyncratic verbal fight against anti-Semitism and the university not in the Griff to respond. Other reactions to a student protest were the same, but also in the tradition of the Columbia War – Hamilton Hall War would continue with the protests against the Vietnam War and apartheid in South Africa. If the rights of the students are free of social security, are more than a hundred professors in solidarity with them, but not all share their future. Mitte Mai stimulate the importance of the faculty for spiritual and natural sciences dafür, Shafik das Vertrust zu entziehen. They have prevented the rights of the students and the academic educational institutions, this is so.

Rücktritt Columbia-Präsidentin: Enjoyment on both Seiten

If I go through life with my stride, then Columbia is for the advocated Herausforderungen the best of itself, Shafik now writes and expects that the Ausinandersetzungen have gone to my family “herheblich laden”. Manche Beobachter speculated, on the fortified law pressure of spenders and politicians who could be the cause of the backlash. Both conflicts are the protest and the colleges that file a claim for the republican politics that is active. Elise Stefanik, conference director from New York, wrote on Platform

The next meeting featured other Ivy League presidents: University of Pennsylvania’s Liz Magill, Harvard’s Claudine Gay, and Cornell’s Martha Pollack. Many Republicans have undermined the discussion of anti-Semitism and college, an illegitimate matter of the Spirit. J.D. Vance, Donald Trump’s vice-presidential candidate, will make the vermeintliche connection to college in 2021 to “Feind,” after which the man “angreifen” müsse. The Ohio senator accomplished one of the most important things, which took on state funding, when the Protest Camp could no longer reach Israel.

Columbia-Präsidentin-arbeitet nach Rücktritt for the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Während also attacked the Republikaner Shafiks Rückzug as his successor, behaupten das ach manche Aktivisten. The organization ‘Within our lives’, which was attacked by anti-Semitic Äußerungen auffiel, schrieb, Shafik sei ‘mit dem Blut des palästinensischen Volkes and the Handen’, and: ‘Von Mörderin Kamala bis Opportunistin Shafik became all Genozid-Komplizen zeigen, that’s sie Gehen müssen!“ The Association during which there were demonstrations at the gate of the Columbia University is common, both of which are anti-Semitic slogans that “Hamas mach uns stolz” are being heard. The Association “Students for Justice in Palestine” wrote, Shafik has “finally hijacked”.

After his Rücktritt he will die 62 years ago to other Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin nun to London back and for the British Foreign Ministry a ​​new policy direction of the Entwicklungspolitik. Shafik waged war against other presidents and commissioners of the London School of Economics and commissioners of the World Bank. You hear the British House of Lords since 2002 as a ‘life peer’. As Übergangs-Nachfolgerin amannte Columbia on Wednesday Katrina Armstrong, Dean of the Medical Faculty. The semester starts in September. On the Campus, where you can find more space, you can now visit more universities. Provided new protests are rechtchnet.