
Der Spielplatz in der Höhenanlage erstrahlt in Neuem Glanz

Der Spielplatz in der Höhenanlage erstrahlt in Neuem Glanz

The Spielplatz in the Hogeschool Wurde nach der Sanierung by the Verkehrs- und Verschönerungsverein Laupheim (VVL) in the Sonntag with a Fest-offiziell wiedereröffnet. Der Verein hat dem Spielplatz met ehrenamtlicher Arbeit und Spendegeldern new Leben eingehaucht.

Playground where aufgrund von Mängeln teilweise sperrt

Anwohner Werner Brosch, who is involved with the VVL, and zum Einweihungsfest kam, remembers himself. “Gebaut wurde der Spielplatz im Jahr 1969. There is also nun 55 Jahre alt. It’s like children are being played here. But then the game place for long years is unbelievable.”

Dies concreted in Mario Möckel, Vorsitzende des VVL: “Nachdem der Spielplatz für längere Zeit aus verschiedenen Gründen, who dared to play Corona or baulichen Mängeln, for two or three years without being fully enjoyed, there is now a fine viewing experience.”

The Prince of the Transport and Beauty Association, Mario Möckel, with the expenditure check from the VR Bank Laupheim-Illertal in hand, thanks the Guest for a playground on the playgrounds.

The Prince of the Transport and Beauty Association, Mario Möckel, with the expenditure check from the VR Bank Laupheim-Illertal in hand, thanks the Guest for a playground on the playgrounds. (Photo: Renate Herter)

„Die Wiederinbetriebnahme war nur möglich mittels Spending und der hrenamtlichen Errichtung des Spielplatzes“, hob Möckel reform. If it is possible to play saneren on the Spielplatz at all. However, financing from the Volksbank Laupheim from 2000 Euro and from the Laupheimer Bürgerstiftung up to 5000 Euro has a positive outlook. Another edition of the Lions Club Laupheim over 5000 Euro is a light edition of the Verein, an experience that is realized.

Spend a valuable Arbeit project

OB Ingo Bergmann was born in the VVL-Vorsitzenden an. A lot has happened, the man who lived together could be bought. „So there is an alternating playground – don’t you have it?“, man is living in the city. And ob es went! It is possible to help and implement the project every day. “Thanks to the VVL and a similar agreement. Deren Arbeit gibt der Stadt veld zurück.”

The official admission to the game platform has been completed on Saturday; this is the game that unlocks. If you are on the game platform in the new Glanz, it is more Tonnen Choose a Cubic Meter Aushub, Zement and Hackschnitzel.

The Spielplatz can be used thanks to the Hilfe von Sponsoren and flickering Hands of Verkehrs- and Verschönerungsvereins.

The Spielplatz can be used thanks to the Hilfe von Sponsoren and cheerful Hands of Verkehrs- and Verschönerungsvereins. (Photo: Renate Herter)

The VVL thanks itself for the technical and material support of the Firmen Liegl (Laupheim), Fritz Schneider Naturstein (Laupheim), Fritz Schwall (Laupheim), Karl Schmid (Mittelbiberach), Gebrüder Fuß (Mittelbiberach-Reute), Holzhandlung Ströbele (Ummendorf- Fischbach) and Neubrand (Rottenacker).

“The Playground is where Children’s Freude machen”

During the previous phase of the Laupheimer Bürgerstiftung, Christian Striebel won the engagement of the VVL. It is often played in the 80s that it is always the case that it is inside. For him, the height is “a small and evil”. The foundation council-president Christa Jerg casts her words. “It is a lonely story and a great concept. We wanted to be there.”

As a guest of the Lions Club, Klaus Breitling delivered Joy. “The playground is made fun of by many children. There is no problem and no problem for everything. There is a new highlight and so beautiful, that the man has never started.” The Lions Club Laupheim has helped with one of the best editions. “Great business, great work, great concept.”

Happy Families with Children attend Einweihungsfest

Auch Marion Fakler from the VR-Bank Laupheim-Illertal, had been transferred to the Youth in the Nähe der Hooglands. The height is phenomenal. You thank the Ehrenamtlichen for your work.

To conclude the celebration, the VVL honored the “good angel” of the Supreme Court, Mathilde Fischer, who was in charge of the installation. When it is time for a high-resolution display in your time, the VVL broadcaster thanked Möckel.

VVL-Mitglieder, Sponsors and OB Bergmann at the Spendenübergabe.

VVL-Mitglieder, Sponsors and OB Bergmann at the Spendenübergabe. (Photo: Renate Herter)

You can easily experience the Children’s Playground yourself. You can visit Schaukeln, Rutsche, Seilbahn and more. They were happy with their friends and families with their children, who spent a lot of time on the new shapes of the Playground and were cared for among the treasures spent by their families at temperatures with Essen and Getränken.