
Can Harris Trump during the US-Wahl 2024? US expert gives clear answer

Can Harris Trump during the US-Wahl 2024? US expert gives clear answer

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Can Harris Trump during the US-Wahl 2024? US expert gives clear answer
It is the American expert Dr. Christian Lammert who noticed Kamala Harris in the Wahlkampf about his whole theme – while a Theme is not only aware of the problem. © Kyle Mazza/NurPhoto/Imago; Dr. Christian Lammert; Montage: RUHR24

After Joe Biden left the Democrats, he got his new candidate Kamala Harris. An American expert has power over the Hoffnung.

Dortmund/Washington – Democrats in the US-Wahlkampf 2024 lautet Kamala Harris. After your official appointment at the digital registration of delegations Friday (August 2) as Donald Trump the Office of the American Presidents on November 5th streitig make. The USA expert Dr. Christian Lammert works in an hour, especially two themes in the foreground of the backs – a Wahlkampf theme that goes no further.

Can Harris Trump during the US-Wahl 2024? US expert gives clear answer

The most weighty previous path. Can the 59-year-old Donald Trump succeed? “Yes, there is a real chance,” says the American expert Prof. Dr. Christian Lammert in an interview with RUHR24. If the Trump campaign has “taken counsel itself”, he will still not take action, while Harris Paroli only beets.

Trump settled in the Wahlkampf that deals with populism, polarization and racism – so he is a young man for the ‘National Association of Black Journalists’ in Chicago. Kamala Harris has put a “starter on the inhaler set”, Lammert in his RUHR24.

“In particular, sollten ökonomic themes in the Middle Point were solved,” says the US expert. “That is the difference between the meaning of the Wähler and the separate theme”. The feeling of economics and inflation “for the US-Americans who are free from the influence of the world”, reports that ARD bereits Ende 2023. Daran hat sich in Mitte 2024 nichts geändert.

Expert on US-Wahl 2024: Kamala Harris spoke out against Donald Trump “starker auf Inhalte setzen”

Inflation in the US fell to 3 percent after the “Trading Economics” figures in June 2024. I hate 3.3 percent. Joe Biden passed the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” in August 2022. This is urgently needed. In June 2022, US inflation rose to 9.1 percent – ​​the highest level in 40 years, it reported Working weeks.

It is the American expert Lammert who restores Kamala Harris “the positive economic policy of the Biden administration”. And black “connected with a clear political program for the coming four years”.

Expert of Kamala Harris against Donald Trump die Wahlkampfthemen “Wirtschaft” und “Abtreibung”

If you see Harris as one of the themes, you profile, work Lammert. Trump fell into the trap, if he positioned his position and played a major role, the theme of the Bundesstaat was in the überlassen (more Politik-News at RUHR24).

It seems that the protection of the Supreme Courts by the conservatives of Richter was guaranteed, that the Fundamental Right to Abtreibung lasted for a few years. In addition, 17 federal states have quickly imposed complete bans on abtreibung, reports the ARD.

Prof. Dr. Christian Lammert

In 1969, the political scientist was born as a Professor for the Interior Policy of North America at the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies of the FU Berlin and is a Research Associate at the Center for North American Research (ZENAF) of the Goethe University Frankfurt.

Zu Lammert’s Forschungsschwerpunkten become the vergleichende political science, the political system in Canada and the USA, the vergleichende Wohlfahrtsstaatsforschung, Steuer- and Sozialpolitik, Nationalismeforschung and Multikulturalismus.

Theme Migration könnte US-Wahlkampf 2024 met bestestimmen: Experte warnt Kamala Harris

When Kamala Harris comes to the themes of ‘Wirtschaft’ and ‘Abtreibung’, it is worth warning Lammert about the theme migration that has not been realized. “Here, the Democrats should not be taken into account, so that the Republic will continue to benefit from the Segeln,” he said.

Looking at the tour of Mexico, Trump hates his popularity in the racist and American compatriot. Since April 2024, Trump has announced that migrants are at a Veranstaltung in Michigan as “Tiere”.

US-Wahlkampf between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris – TV-Duell ensures peace of mind for life

Nothing is economic and ethical in nature. Harris would make himself clear of Donald Trump outside the boundaries of Lammert: “The Harris Campaign must focus on the independence of the politics in which both camps develop.”

Kamala Harris (Democrats)

Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris endorses Joe Biden as Democratic presidential candidate. © White House

Name: Kamala Devi Harris
Change: 59 (Oct 20, 1964)
Date of birth: Oakland, California, USA
Part: Democratic Party

Ob Kamala Harris will see these quick tattoos, while the spotlight will appear on TV-Duell with Donald Trump. If you make the first direct jump between both contacts, it is still no party – you will have to keep the Termin-Qurage to TV-Duell for Streit silent about the two Lagern-gesorgt.