
AI-RAN Alliance has been tasked by Dr. Alex Jinsung Choi to go to page 1

AI-RAN Alliance has been tasked by Dr. Alex Jinsung Choi to go to page 1

The AI-RAN Alliance has found the experience of Dr. Alex Jinsung Choi, Principal Fellow of SoftBank Corp.’s Research Institute of Advanced Technology. As the principal transmitter of the AI-RAN Alliance, prominent members from technology, industry and academic institutions are chosen together with the introduction and the supervision of AI-RAN technology (Artificial Intelligence Radio Access Networks = AI-Funkzugangsnetz) to lean, which 5G – and 6G technology is not available.

“The AI-RAN Alliance is a telecommunications industry that will transform AI-RAN progress, efficiency and new economic opportunities,” Choi said. Mobility networks working on developing infrastructure with 5G and 6G with AI/ML will “buy.”