
Rettungsschwimmer in Dornumersiel: Personalmangel gefährdet Freibad-Öffnungszeiten

Rettungsschwimmer in Dornumersiel: Personalmangel gefährdet Freibad-Öffnungszeiten

Andreas Geiken went to the Sonttag of the team in Freibad Dornumersiel. It is a low staff member, but it is not that it is because of Glück, but it has never been such a season.

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Dornum – Andreas Geiken is still a resident and will use his sonntag as a rettungsschwimmer at the Beckenrand of the Dornumersieler Freibades. First it is a matter of doing and it is not fun to start in that season, nor to cook. Black is the Bedarf an Rettungsschwimmern riesengroß, but is a mangelte a Kursen in the Ferien. After a message without an editorial organizer then an active DLRGler everything in the notes – and within two weeks could absolvier all courses, a first-Hilfe-Schein was and suitable for all Prüfungen on Anhieb: “Dafür hatte ich ja seit Jahresbeginn schon trainiert. For 30 years of war I was in recovery, also in Dornumersiel. Jetzt komme ich irgendwieder nach Hause, so ist the Gefühl jedenfalls“, happy sich Geiken.

Urgent personal benefits

If you are no longer self-conscious, it is with the rettungsschwimmer-dasein, but neither so kurzfristig clapped hat. Auch der Geschäftsführer der Tourismus GmbH Dornumersiel, Rolf Kopper, is froh. The personal situation is extremely serious: “Wir könnten jederzeit noch drei, vier weitere Leute einstellen”, so Kopper. If the team no longer goes to work, remember the statements of the Dornumersieler Freibades: “Wir können und de wenigen Rettungsschwimmer, die met, die wie wieder beschäftigen. Wir haben von Dienstag bis Sonntag geöffnet“, so Kopper. “Der Job is more powerful, abends ist man flatt. During the week, the day is very quiet, and during the week it is very pleasant.”

Beach views are not included

Although there is still no talk of financing, more credits are being granted, then it is possible that a beach visit in Dornumersiel will take place. It is not that the light path is a personal feeling. This is so narrowly worded, that the Veronwortlichen indes schon überrascht. Früher, so Geiken, is more like the right Rettungsschimmer is used. If it is not even like that, then it is like that: “Ich hadte den Gedanken schon verwerfen, that es in diesem Year nog klappen konnte. The People are all full in the Hochsaison, all activities are limited. Because it is so flexible and Willen says that everything is spontaneously organized, it is a huge challenge and a lot of fun. ”

Erhalten hat er den Ruf, in myhm die frohe kunde überbracht, zufällig auch in Dornumersiel: „I was advised with my friends at the Campingplatz. Da kam der Anruf – das war schon tol. A woman who is so soft: Mach!” And a Geiken who has made no effort and is soft. Nun steht is regularly in the Wochenende am Beckenrand and strengthens the Team, for his it is a Traumjob, who says: “The Contact with the Badegästen, the Families, Children – it is a beautiful and powerful fell Spaß”, is happy with the North . If you are interested, your company’s team can deal with the Tourismus Service in Dornumersiel.

Aike Sebastian Ruhr