
Welche Sportarten das Leben verlangernern en welche nicht

Welche Sportarten das Leben verlangernern en welche nicht

Martin Lewicki

August 16, 2024, 04:08 AM |
Reading time: 5 minutes

Sport is no longer a matter of well-being and well-being. There is a positive influence on the Lebenserwartung. Dutch researchers want to know and investigate, while sports arts of Leben can be a strong verlängern. This is a few surprising facts. FITBOOK author Martin Lewicki explains, what the Wissenschaftler herausgefounden haben.

“Sport ist Mord”, was believed in a movement muffel. It is worth to be a ​​correctly heißen “Sport can extend life”. Mittlerweile publishes a study, the positive effects on our healthy health and the Hinweise, the sport that can take a lifetime. So as a performance sport, the man bisweilen annahm, that is a change in the body-work and schneller as an alternative girl. An analysis of the data is higher on the sports level than better gegeneilig Hinweise (FITBOOK message).1 Active data from the Forschung has a great influence on the available factory tower, a huge wealth and business activities that have a strong influence on the viability, which has taken place like no factory factor with our genetic information.2 Other sports artists who practice life in a strong sport – and which sport is not? These fragments are from the non-European Forscher of the University of Groningen, geschäftigt and überraschende Antworten gefounden.

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Lebenserwartung van Athleten met Durchschnittsbevölkerung verglichen

Research has been done into performance sport data from all over the world.3 If you notice the data from the study and buy 95,210 tires, you will die in the study. Davon was allendings of the largest part (95.5 percent) men, completely 4.5 percent were women. The data is one of the best top athletes from the 183 provinces, who were born in Switzerland in 1862 and 2002. There are 44 different sports types identified. The training of the athletes can focus on the workouts performed during the training.

Men benefit from sports as women

When the data is shown, this is a clearer problem in the closure. So the sports sport can have a strong influence on the life of men as well as women. If you want to tell a lie, you can take the trouble to give a woman a chance that no longer consists of sports lessons. If it is no longer so, it is another gründe that plays a role. This study did not even happen.

Stabhochspringer and Turner with high lebenserwartung

The data you can use have a very good experience. So lying Stabhochspringer with 8.4 years about the Bevölkerungsdurchnitt at the Lebenserwartung. Followed by Turnern, who lived 8.2 years in the Schnitt longer as vergleichbare Personen, die niet Leistungssport trieben. Insgesamt matureviele Leichtathletik-Sportarten die progressen Range, Darunter Gehen, Laufen, Sprinten, Hürdenlauf as well as Weitsprung. Leistungssportler in the Disziplines live in Schnitt four bis funfünf Jahre longer.

Among other things, the End of the Spectrum, also the shortest life expectancy among performance athletes, gives an overrun. Give a hint of the Sumo Ring, which in cut lasts 9.8 years as comparable persons, land the volleyball player. This can last 5.4 years if the duration is exceeded.

Top 10 of the Sportarten, de Leben verlängern können

  • Stab jump (+8.4 years)
  • Gymnastics (+8.2 years)
  • Fechten (+6.6 years)
  • Zielsportarten (wie Bogenschießen) (+6.2 Jahre)
  • Schlägersportarten (who is Tennis) (+5.7 Jahre)
  • Leichtathletik gemischt (+5.7 Jahre)
  • Gehen (+5.7 years)
  • Cricket (+ 5.7 years)
  • Sprint (+ 5.3 years)
  • -athlon Sportarten (zB Decathlon, Biathlon)

Also interesting: The ideal Menge Sport pro Woche, um das Leben zu verlängern

Top 10 Sports Art with the Latest Life Forms

  • Sumo rings (-9.8 years)
  • Volleyball (-5.4 years)
  • Mountain climbing (-3.8 years)
  • Combat athlete (-2.5 years)
  • Handball (-2.2 years)
  • Ice hockey (-0.8 years)
  • Boxing (-0.6 years)
  • Bobsleigh (-0.3 years)
  • Wrestling (+0.5 years)
  • Football (+0.5 years)

This is a positive way to play and believe in sports art such as cricket, Rudern, Baseball, Wasserball and Feldhockey. Lediglich in handball and volleyball is a German negative comment about life. Also bei Frauen übrigens. If this is so, this can not be solved. The forscher vermuten, these physical traumas, the volleyball game is ausgesetzt, a rigid skeleton and muskelbelastung-führen, which are so of the health and langfristig on the life course. The gleiche hypothesis relates to handball. If you impose the complexity of the sports art and the dates of the study, you can restore the remaining costs.

Sports art with aerobes and anaerobes. Property of the great public health authorities

Who comes out of the analysis, the leap and the turn of the two sports arts makes, that life is a strong desire-able. Here you deal with a kind of good sports art, both anaerobic and aerobic components. If it is good, you train as much Kraft as Ausdauer. If you see that one of the possible sports, practicing Leichtathletik-Sportarten, general abschneiden in the study and the German Lebenserwartung erhöhen. Daraus can help a man, that is a training, it is so that he sits on Kraft paper, if it Ausdauer Ausdauer is, life can be desired.

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Eordnung der Studienergebnisse

There are more studies that support the study financing with the present goal. When all professional ties act as a performance athlete, the national or international wettkämpfen die with the Olympic Games. This athlete trains for more than a year. If it is also fun to play volleyball, it would be a disaster if it would cause damage. Stabhochsprung and Turnen depend on the technically executed sport art, which can never produce free sport again. Because the study experience is not like that, the combination of Krafttraining and Ausdauertraining (also in a sport art association) can increase the Lebenserwartung.