
DKSH hat Vertriebspartnerschaft mit Kahai ausgebaut | 16.08.24

DKSH hat Vertriebspartnerschaft mit Kahai ausgebaut | 16.08.24


66.31 CHF 0.05%

The columbian components are a “führender Hersteller” of Cacay-Baum-Produkten, which are also treated in the repair of Anti-Aging-Produkten, which DKSH am Freitag mitteilte.

In the future of the partnership, DKSH is responsible for the management, marketing, sales, logistics and sales of the Cacay Oil, as well as the maintenance materials for the home and hair care. Our business partners have a good relationship with partners in European markets including Germany, France, Great Britain and Spain.


Zurich (awp)