
Ukraine reports Russian Angriffe im Donbass

Ukraine reports Russian Angriffe im Donbass

KIEW (dpa-AFX) – The Russian Trops are going to the Ukrainian Generalstabs who are active in Donbass. Other people who were Kämpfe were in the Richtungen Pokrowsk, Torezk and Kurachowe, teilte der Generalstab in Kiev with. Insgesamt seien 144 military Zusammenstöße innerhalb der vergangenen 24 Stunden registriert be. The Russians are angry with Dutzenden Luftschlägen and Artillery, the attacks will be abgewehrt, this is a military message. The Russian Truppen-wollen den Donbass are brought under their control.

Both Kriegsparteien connect with the Abschuss zahlreicher Drohnen after the onset of fear. Russia set up a series of offensives in Donbass after the final march of Ukrainian troops in the Kursk fortress region of Russia.