
Nachhaltigkeit im Job: Study said, who includes the protection of the career

Nachhaltigkeit im Job: Study said, who includes the protection of the career

Grüne Taten statt leere Worte: Umweltverantwortung and tatsächliche Klimabilanz still became lighter at the Wahl des Arbeitgebers. There is an active study by ManpowerGroup.

The next generation offers more information: Who protects the lane separator at the inflow. Photo: PantherMedia / cherayut000

The next generation offers more information: Who protects the job separator at the inflow.

Photo: PantherMedia/cherayut000

For the report “Building Competitive Advantage with a People-Centric, Green Corporate Transformation”, 5,029 statements were made in 41 states, which would run a factor that was a climate protection measure for the Wahl with multiple Arbeitgebers-influssen. 60% of the infections are a result of the fact that there are problems with separating positive consequences for your work. If the Germans still have a negative effect: 68% of the negative consequences is that there is a skewed situation that has a negative influence on the negative influence of it.

“These achievements undermine the growing meaning of sustainability and environmental protection in the working world,” comments Kathrin Hess, Director of Green Transformation at ManpowerGroup Germany. “If you enter into an agreement, you risk that the law is a qualifying factor in the hint that you get.” It is possible to remove the tattoos and activate them by means of climbing protection.

Gen Z committed to protection and shelter

The study clearly stated that this concerns the generations. Other brands are active in the period of the young generations: 75% of 18-24 year olds (generation Z) actively investigate the environmental factors that can appeal to the interests. Before half (46%) of the alternative group makes the transition to a department that directly affects the separation, a job or a job is merged.

“The new generation of workers is one of the first generations to make a commitment to environmental protection and sustainability. Young candidates knew that there was an influence, that companies were on the agenda,” Hess explains.

The Ruf is separated

Auchen den Industrien gibt is a German Unterschiede. In addition, it is possible that there is a possible arbitrage in the IT sector (72%) and in the financial and real estate sector (66%). These groups are in possession of one of the most important things in climate protection in their divorce for or a job that is affected.