
Einladung: Ireland Workshop in Linz »agent-club | tip

Einladung: Ireland Workshop in Linz »agent-club | tip

Einladung: Ireland Workshop in Linz »agent-club | tip – Travel industry professional

Photo: Oleg Golovnev / | Photo: Oleg Golovnev /
Photo: Oleg Golovnev /
The Destination School with Infos will take place on the green island on September 16 in Linz and on September 17 in Vienna.

A Vielzahl an Irish partner who deals with the experience of intensive networking with travel agencies and travel organizations, who bring out their Irish products or with the presentation of the exciting destination that is new in wool. The green inland, thanks to the mild climate, with its beautiful and fascinating landscapes and cities can mean a full growth for individual group travel for a year – and dies under the enjoyment of a carefree hospitality.

Details in the overview

Workshops (incl. Abendessen) in Linz:

  • Date: September 16, 2024
  • Opening hours: from 6:00 PM
  • Location: Teichwerk, Linz

Workshops (incl. Abendessen) in Vienna:

  • Date: September 17
  • Opening hours: from 6:00 PM
  • Location: Almanac Palais Wien

Notification for Workshop HERE (red)

einladung, termin, terminkalender, calendar, schulung, destinationschulung, agentsevent, irland, einladung

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