
Healthacross MED Gmünd – From October: Neurology now as Kassenleistung

Healthacross MED Gmünd – From October: Neurology now as Kassenleistung

Health about MED Gmünd

The Wahlarzt Ordination for Neurology in Health Care at MED Gmünd will take place in October at the Kassenstelle.

Anna Hohenbichler

YOUIt has been a year since the abdication began at the new neurology cash desk of Tomas Grunda in Germany in October.

Freude and Stolz were bigger in December 2022, during the festival stand, a new Kassen-Planstelle for Neurology was purchased in the Bezirk Gmünd. You go with Arzt Tomas Grunda in Health-across MED Gmünd in Bleylebenstraße around July 2023 in Kraft Treten. Whoever reports, please consider it differently: Have a few weeks for the plants. Start with the Stelle über die Ärztekammer new ausgeschrieben and stay on holiday.

When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, there is a profound influence on the general general conditions. Besetzt is the Stelle nun but with Tomas Grunda – from 1. October. There are neurological diagnostic, treatment and treatment methods for Carotis Vertebralis Doppler examinations. On October 15, the new Kassenorrdinatie will officially take place. The Czech-born Neurologist has been working as a specialist in Healthover MED Gmünd since October 2021.

Here is a new new topic: if patients with herausvorderungen are confronted with an unsafe sin, whoever or however their treatment is carried out, it is with the financial market a beratende Stelle. You can appeal to the Beratung in the Area of ​​Social Management. Interested parties can register on Tuesdays between 2 and 4 pm at speaking hours about care options, social appointments and further support offers
to inform.

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