
Great value for money from the production process – House

Great value for money from the production process – House

What is the optimal use of a device or a new application? The housing manufacturers are focusing on a wide portfolio and technology, with the fact that these suitable solutions can be realized. Whatever happens, it is a fact that projects will be implemented in the future.

So not as important as the market is, if the electronic house comes from the Einsatz, it is so uninteresting that the Anforderungsprofiel is used. So if all goes well, it is true that there will be an end result, Erschütterungen standhalten, a whole high density of the features available, EMV-critical features or – even if they are not covered by design features – under Design Brand Male features.

The trend is clear that you can have the best results that you can achieve. Dass dies not trivial, lies on the Hand. When the technical redesign is carried out, the electrical appliance will have an electrical housing, and due to the high packaging density of the warm design, the electrical functions can be one of the most played roles.

Ole Pfoch, Sales Manager at the Apra-gruppe, deutlich, who has been responsible for the security measures, who operated the Gehäuse-Hersteller: »Besides Gehäusen für de Bahntechnik, es zum Beispiel, a high IP protection can be realized and the Gehäuse thus opened, That’s it yourself Vandalism of stands. If you take a look at the house, you can visit a Nail Salon with Einsatz – and here the supply is otherwise complete. The design of the Gehäuse-Design has a mountain-ordered role here, while the management is gold-plated, is miserable.

In the shape of the housing, a repair has been set that applies to a material mix. »If the housing of the metal is finished on a metal shell, so that the heat can be optimally heated, the higher shell of the plastic is ausgeführt, the Funkempfang is no longer available. Equal time type of plastic support for lower costs costs«, explains Pfoch.

One of the sources for the knowledge is that there is a large amount of know-how at the Manufacturers of Electronic Houses zurückgreifen kann. This technology is perhaps one of the most flexible and fast technologies in the own home, a very flexible and fast way to get an idea of ​​the work. And that is a erorderlich bzw. fragmented denn je!

Trend for Individualization at Gehäusen

The standard house, which has undergone a modified change, is a milder operation. See all the establishments that determine the Trend of Individualization at Gehäusen zu.

»Technical work with all individual possibilities – starting with non-interested materials, very diverse kitchen and normative solutions for individual reflection and description«, says Thomas Lüke, Sales Manager at Bopla Gehäusesysteme. »The program, the components and the technology are so large that the possibilities cannot be used«. The re-examination is a fact, it is the best way to find the best jewels. »We are very grateful for it, if you can optimally enjoy your small pieces, necessitate. We can do that, for example, with houses, for those small work costs – in particular, the fitting and design costs«, explains Lüke. If this continues, then the question begins to arise, where is he, at the Piece Count 1. »Of course, with our Customers then begins a professional follow-up, as the Piece Counts rise«.

The Trend is intended for individuals bzw. Customer-specific devices can be used by Lisa Picherer, product manager at Elektronikgehäuse of Phoenix Contact, best. If the range contains a larger standard range, the catalog format may become more individualistic. If you can make a profit, you will compensate a great program. So there can be used unbridled color variations and those with many combined design elements.

»HMI integration and thermal management are more services, which can offer a large number of individual customers«, the product manager is working. The theme Kühlung bzw. Warmmanagement has given man in young time especially much beachtung at Phoenix Contact. So if you have your own website, you can perform the best thermal simulations with electronic housings and work for a while. If you want to place your hotspots in a different place, you can get a short description of the warm offers you want to receive. »Darüber can be one of the forces that turn a team and give an exuberant deliberation«, very much like Lisa Picherer.

Der Gehäusehersteller as project partner

Services related to processing, troubleshooting, and electronic integration may result in recovery operations with fewer file components.

»I am a member of the product development team of Polyrack with the system design including the electronic integration«, explains Maximilian Schober, Manager for Sales and Marketing. Polyrack can realize complete and complete systems. The layout and layout of the wiring boards that the SMD-best construction groups offer are tailored to the portfolio of housing specialists, including cable confections.

“For us, the theme of ‘software’ has also become bigger,” reports Schober. If you are only so closely involved with the material for four years, then you can use software for our customers. With the extensive software of the software, Polyrack can use the device that can be directly linked to the end processes.

Unterstützung bij Zertifizierung

Which services are used for the knowledge of the house repairer? »In addition to the consultation, accompanying tests for certifications offer a greater added value«, explains Thomas Lüke from Bopla. »This is a shame, a house repairer with a problem in the development. Then you can start the environmental tests to the device. If you use EMC tests, these are often important for projects. « It is clear that you can only save costs if you charge labor costs and reimburse everything.

Additional charges are prohibited

The better the house repairer in a project with a world of contemplation, the better! In this case it is a fact that the experts are a bit.

When the appliance repairer starts, it can become easier to integrate the electronics into the appliance and make the housing of the appliance as efficient as possible. A gilded image of the application. »We want to be an engineering partner«, says Lüke at the point. Because the know-how is one of the mechanical knowledge points. For companies, it is important that companies, start-ups and students enter into discussions with companies. The agreement that says: „We are happy to talk to you!“.

Take a look at Lisa Picherer from Phoenix Contact. »Setting up knives, taking part in conferences, stopping the pre-trial phase, actively taking in customers – all that is important to us.« So when the House Experts have installed their own, large number of electronic devices on the total product, the design has become the best autumn In Vorfeld it is possible to use an efficient product.

In general, the manufacturer appeals to the electronics house from the beginning to a high meaning. Begin by securing the fragmentation in the space, how high the degree of individualization is. Is it a shame if a standard house is adapted to its use, a house from the construction system of the house repairers that can be configured or a complete customer-specific solution for setting?

Welcher Weg der right ist, always depends on Endproduct ab. These technical aspects are so important that your knowledge is valuable. It’s worth its weight in gold, the best and cost-efficient tests you can find.

»Bei der Realisierung eines new Gehäusekonzepts agieren wir technology-offen«, explains Maximilian Schober, Head of Business and Marketing at Polyrack.

The internal team of the internal teams can make a good analysis of the analysis and the analysis of the results: Who is the structure in the best case, with which pieces in the worst case is assessed? Is the point in time a matter of time in the design process of your company? Whether you want to remove a device or use a device that has not carried out the product introduction? »Alle Antworten vliegen in de Konzeption des Gehäuses ein.«

Warum goes beyond profit-making start-ups

From the long-term know-how of the Gehäuse-Hersteller they can create business start-ups that continue to make a profit. Neben de établierten Unternehmen adressiert Polyrack daher gezielt de Start-Up-Szenen in Berlin und Munich, zu konsturer Städten außerhalb Deutschlands.

Auch Thomas Lüke von Bopla is the best evidence, that »your skills – whether small or large – of one of the applications can make a house-Konzept profit.« The electronics house is one, the Beratungskompetenz of others, that is the Entwickler zu useful machen kann.

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