
Blau Direkt gründet Tochtergesellschaft für Geschäft mit Lebensicherungen

Blau Direkt gründet Tochtergesellschaft für Geschäft mit Lebensicherungen

The broker pool Blau is setting up a new merger with focus on the area of ​​life insurance. The “LV Werk GmbH” is getting a part of the life insurance company of Bastian Paulsen, which Jonas Hoffheinz will receive. Paulsen has been in charge of the professional area since 2020. With Hoffheinz, one of the long-term heads of Property & Liability Risk and procurist of Blau is now placed directly on the site.

With the Neugründung will Blau Direkt der steigenden Nachfrage nach Lebensversicherungen Rechnung lagen, heißt es seitens des Unternehmens. The Sparte comes from the Wachstumstreibern near Maklerpool and with 45 Prozent to the umsatzstärksten Sparten.

The redevelopment of the “LV Werk GmbH” has long ago made an offer for the insurer, while Makler employed the Mitglieder of the Pool Alliance of eight Pools who made their purchases, with the result Blau Direkt. A development is planned, namely improvement of the service and service performance range, “from the offer and registration process to the assistance and automation of actions in the event of file delays and more acquisition possibilities”. Make sure that you get more support and the selected products are no longer supported by the Maklerpool.

Here you will find the integration of the comparison platform Cpit. A number of other, der Cpit Comparit GmbH, Blau Direkt is involved together with other Maklerpools.

“The Relevant of the Sparte Lebensversicherung is the Wachstumsrate which increases the demographic Entwicklung in the Society weiter zunehmen,” said Jonas Hoffheinz about the issue. “With the Gründung unserer Tochtergesellschaft LV Werk folgen wir das klare Ziel, de Bereich Lebensversicherung weiter auszubauen.”