
Der neue VDA 6.3:2023 Fragenkatalog – practical Betrachtungsweise

Der neue VDA 6.3:2023 Fragenkatalog – practical Betrachtungsweise

Der neue VDA 6.3:2023 Fragenkatalog – practical Betrachtungsweise

In one of the globalization activities, it is the efficiency and efficiency of the charity organization for companies of separated companies. If you are aware of the uncertainty and the risks of risks, the productive company is ausgesetzt, whereby the production audits in the charity sector are becoming an increasingly large beddeutung.

These articles discuss the articles New and practical implementation of the new VDA 6.3: 2023 Question Catalogues for Process Auditsof the VDA QMC, as one of the most important standards for the audit of processes in the gold-plated automotive industry.

Background and active situation

With the new Question Catalogue for Process Auditors, which were acquired by the VDA QMC, the Process Audits are handled by active Requests and Developments in the Industry Justice. During the examination of the Aspects on the state of the art in production technology, the software tenders are carried out in products and processes and the stability in the stock with the relevant fragment catalogue and effectively for external parties in all industries becomes more stable.

Hauptunterschiede zum VDA 6.3:2016

The new fragment catalog was released during one of the most recent versions of version 2016:

  • Stärkerer Focus on Risk Management:
    The Catalog now includes a higher mark on the implementation of an effective risk management system.
  • Installation of software solutions:
    Software-related software fragments can be integrated into the catalog, a software extension in the automotive industry that is more widely mirrored.
  • Focus on Beschaffungsaktivitäten:
    The activities from the design phase are given a very high priority in the planning phase of projects.
  • Anpassung der Bewertung der Potenzialanalyse:
    The assessment system of the potential analysis can shift and the fragments are newly structured, a clear assessment of the reporting spots that exist.
  • New layout of the star questions:
    The Stern Questions (marked with “*”) are said to contain new information, one of which is relevant to various company boundaries.

Discussions on Audit Practice

The new VDA 6.3:2023 Question Catalogs mark a number of turning points in audit practice, which in some cases can result in non-various expenditures. The tags with audits you can use, were these transactions performed.

A erhöhter Zeitaufwand für die Vorbereitung It is one of the first problems with Auswirkungen. Auditors are not now forged, they are intensive with the new installation and the changed structure of the catalogs that are used. A thorough e-mail calculation is uncontrolled and can be performed by a gesteigerte time for the preparation of an audit. Most interesting in the first time of the new catalog.

Die Application of the audit methods It is another herausforderung, which makes the auditors müssen. The new fragmentation in the catalog provides an overview of the bishigen methods and work methods. Themes with risk management and software development are included in the Focus and require subsequent consultations, one of the recommendations that can be taken into account.

Particularly, it is necessary to die Notification about knowledge in Bereich Software. The new catalog is now integrated into software fragments, which provide auditors with a legendary view of software lung processes and risks. This presents a new challenge for some auditors. If you want to take more pictures in this area, the Question-competent savories of your kitchen.

First experiences with the new Catalog

Once errors have been made, which were corrected with the new VDA 6.3 Catalog, the following observations will be retained:

The feedback from the auditory companies is very positive. You recognize the real value of the possible themes in the new catalogue. These extensions were considered as a significant step towards the complete evaluation of the company process.

There is also a warning Exceptionsespecially in the area of Software Thematics. For some external people you ask the software questions or a question, which often offers extensive know-how here. If you are not aware of the note, you can start a new kind of research in the Weiterbildung of this investment area.

Positive feedback is there for me to strengthen my efforts in reaching the goal of creation. If you first notice a problem with responding, it is likely that the focus on the fragmentation catalogue is proactive risk management on the identification and assessment possibilities in charitable and support activities in the early stages of a project. These are possible, preventive measures to achieve and thus minimize the negative effects of supply chain gaps, care or quality impairments.

Mirror the existing versions with the new catalog and the analysis of the history and the business of the redevelopment of the herausforderungen wider. The knowledge of these existing audits serves as an important foundation for the optimization and fine tuning of the catalogs in the program.


The new VDA 6.3:2023 Fragenkatalog states eine a bad diversion of the best standards yes. The strongest Focus on risk management, die Installation of software solutions and payment activities and the Verschärfte Bewertungssystematik der Potenzialanalyse it is a matter of a changeover and a soul-oriented treatment of internment proceedings in the area of ​​their contact and care.

About the author:
Stefan Peintner is an international experience that brings about a good strategically relevant start-up project in electromobility. Darüber is one of the executive coaches who guides the lungs of organizations in organizations and who supports these im national and international standards.