
Krankenpfleger became CDU-Stadtrat

Krankenpfleger became CDU-Stadtrat

26 years of war Bernd Riegger, 61, Krankenpfleger in der Notaufnahme am Klinikum Tuttlingen, 20 years davon in leitender Funktion. “Es gab Eltern, die ihre Kinder haben, die mir gesagt haben: Sie haben mich damals auch schon eingegipst!”, erzählt er.

This period, which is in the Kirchengemeinderat of St. Gallus and one of the ways in which the city is used, is a Tuttlinger who is “a little known”, and who was thanked in 4046. Soviel joined the Kommunalwahl on June 9. If Anhieb is on the CDU list of the Einzug in the Gemeinderat.

2009 has been a one-time candidate

Since 2009, there has been one candidate for the SPD list. There are acts of war that will never happen, but are not necessary. “The children were still small, that would not have been good for our family life,” said Riegger.

Make sure you see it differently. Both children are between 22 and 19 years old and for a year they have made a note in the Endoscopy wish. It is a fact that it is a matter of time that the political city will start moving again.

As Beobachter, Riegger followed Schon Lange, was in the City Passert. Zum Beispiel die Diskussionen a verkehr in the Weimarstraße or one that fell Ampeln between Stuttgarter Straße and Ludwigstaler Straße. A abschließende meinung is noch nicht, but at the Weimarstraße wünscht is a “geschickte loss”: “I would not be able to prevent cars, aber so lassen, wie is, würde ich sie auch nicht”, meint Riegger.

Neben de Verkehr treiben ihn other Themen um, Leerstände und Einzelhandel in der Innenstadt zum Beispiel or der Ausbau der Fernwärme. Letzterer became of the city works that were developed, “but if they could not be more passionate, that would be interesting,” says Riegger.

The political order is like CDU-nah one, even if there is no participation. If we are no longer with the SPD, it is a matter of years in the Betriebsrat of the Krankenhauses. After the politics of the SPD in the Bundesbene had stayed away. In energy policy it can no longer be that others identify themselves.

Mit gutem Gewissen entscheiden

It is a matter of Riegger, a local Ebene mitzuentscheiden. The first time it has happened in the community, it is not that it will happen, then it will become active. “I will not cancel anything, I will be able to go with my conscience and sagen.”

The Tuttlinger Gemeinderat in the Wahlperiod 2024 to 2029 will be in July before their first visit. Other people would have appreciated the ehrenamtlichen Bürgermeister-Stellvertreter.

The Tuttlinger Gemeinderat in the Wahlperiod 2024 to 2029 will be in July before their first visit. Other people would have appreciated the ehrenamtlichen Bürgermeister-Stellvertreter. (Photo: Dorothea Hecht )

Private is a matter of gardening, walking, traveling and traveling. In the years that Africa and Australia are practiced, with the family that no longer sees here, the house with the house will be a problem. Inzwischen has a woman who has bought a house and rested, a longer travel time – the rent is no longer a sail.

Vom Elektriker zum Krankenpfleger

Couldn’t the money be erased by Bernd Riegger? Zum Beispiel, this is an electric electric yellow hat, while the Zivildienst in the Krankenhaus has a different form. “Weil man als Krankenpfleger fell with the Menschen zu tun hat, fell Feedback kriegt, wirklich was tun kann”, er said.

And then again the Sache with the thinly braided Zöpfchen, the hinter the rights started and I fell the Schulter. There is a gratitude for a Friseur who, in the Zivildienst, abschnitt the long term of her, over a Strahne stehen lassen. Since then, the acknowledgments have been received: “They are with the Zöpfle!”