
Patagonian Eisenkraut pflanzen en pflegen

Patagonian Eisenkraut pflanzen en pflegen

Patagonisches Eisenkraut pflegen

With a light lilac cloud, the Patagonian Ice Cream is a Blickfang in Bite. The robust Staude is a better sun and gets warm. Please note that the product is no longer suitable, because it is only part of the content. It is only up to etwa minus zehn Grad winterhard and stärkeren Frost selten waxes.

If the thermometer goes further, it may be that the beet is near a dry mulch blade of the laub or the tannenzweigen halves. Mild winter, during the climate warming there is talk of a bad winter, but there are problems. The plant zählt wie de zitronenverbene zu den Eisenkrautgewächsen.

The only thing you can do is buy a Selbstaussaat, the Staude can go over the Boden at about 20 Zentimeters.

Vermehren Patagonische Eisenkraut

The robust power of the Staude is clear: you can see for yourself, even then, when the Mutterpflanze was absorbed by the strong frost. Welding this together is also such a fruitful experience, so it is also a joy to be with yourself.

Our own standards will, while we use the herbs best, take the time together to make a ​​​​kältereiz. Or you see the autumn in February in the water house or on the Fensterbank and put your fruit in the beet.