
14. Puch-Parade Judenburg: Bokkeriders, the Puch-Revoluzzer

14. Puch-Parade Judenburg: Bokkeriders, the Puch-Revoluzzer

Donnerstag, August 15, 9 am, Murtalerplatz in Judenburg, the Puch-Parade is waiting again. Erstens: Der Weg ist das Ziel. In the meantime, you will be able to enjoy your new experiences, experience your experiences, visit museums and experience history. DRITTENS: A large, shared Aichfeld Runde as a tribute to such innovative Puch technology.
Hans Georg Ainerdinger
Don’t give me from above
Der Donner kam trotz for sich hinquellender Gewitterme nicht von oben. There is something wrong with the Puch Museum in the extensive Kreische und Blubbern der Puch Maxi Mofas. The Puch Mopeds, the Puch Zweitakt-Roller und kam von der Phalanx von durch Intensivpflege erhaltenen Stahlblech-Schhalenrahmen-Puch 125 oder 175 SV (= Schwingarm Vollnabenbremse), den 250ern en, Applause Applause: von 500er Puch-Motorrädern over the 30 years . Dazu z. B. Donner from Linz and Tamsweg eingetroffen, schon iconic Puch 800 with four-stroke four-cylinder boxer engine. From Denmark between 1936 and 1938, a total of 550 pieces were produced.

Interesting that the typical Brabbeln of the heuer fell “Pucherln”, of the Steyr-Puch 500er Kleinwagen. Dazu were a Puch Haflinger zu sehen. Anyway, with Lewis Hamilton in the Red Bull Ring, it was crazy. Gleich fünf Steyr-Puch Pinzgauer were Ebenfalls bekommen, foutreulicherweise wieder the Grazer Family Feiertag with death “Stohlis” very enjoyable with the sound of music 14. Puch-Parade musically. So there Bgm. Elke Florian In the Douzelage-Verbindung with Meerssen there were a number of Dutch Puch-Freunde who could. If you give a Puch-Fahrer an idea of ​​the image of the city that is suitable for Outlaws, then leave. Für nächstes Jahr plans si mit Gemeinderätinnen de Organization a blokweisen Abfahrt der Puch-Parade with Einbeziehung des Hauptplatzes.
A dense espalier
It is worth visiting the Abfahrt vom Puch-Museum bis zum Kreisverkehr at the Stadtpfarrkirche Judenburg, where the Freude aller Beteiligten is during a dense Spalier. We continue on a 93-kilometer tour via Weißkirchen – St. Lorenzen – Chromwerk – Kraubath auf Nebenstraßen zum Prankherwirt. If a man gets sick from another road in Seckau, Steinmühle and Sachendorf schaffte es der hart core thann nor a gem Finale on the Murtaler Platz in front of the Judenburger Puch-Museum.
Rebuilding a scaffold
“Wir haben da Jahr für Jahr a continuous Steigerung!” Strahlte Puchmuseums and City Marketing Manager Heinz Mitteregger. Heuer gab es 290 Teilnehmer op 270 Fahrzeugen, hat Karoline Straner aufgelistet, „davon mehr Mofas, Mopeds und Roller, auch inherited young Teilnehmer!’ The old and young boys and girls from Murtal were a large group of Puch Clubs and delegations who were angry. Aus Judenburg kamen z. B. der in Vorjahr gründetete “Dichten Fichten Puchclub”. First of all, those Puch-Freunde from St. Kathrein, OÖ, with dabei, from Wien, from Linz kamen Fahrer and Clubs, der Puch-Club Radkersburg were vertreten, as well as a Wiener Puchclub, die “Puch-Freunde Kärnten” was that. The “Oldtimerfreunde Kobenz” kamen in sharper Besetzung, etliche “Murtal Classic”-Mitglieder rückten on Puchs aller Sparten an, ergreulicherweise auch Häuptling Pepe Kriebernegg, there is always a Delim fremdelte. Murau was well versed in Graz and Leoben.
Peter Schaarfor the following years in Graz and a Puch-Jubiläum-work, useful for the Moeglichkeit zur Kontaktherstellung.

Heinz Mitteregger with Wim de Kan of the

“Bokkeriders South Limburg” on Puch Sky-Ridern
The others were most of the Beatles fans, who deserved it, Haare mit Wachs nach hinten stylized. You can get a quick lying response to your Kreidler or Zündapp mopeds. Der eher studentische Freundeskreis is a physiotherapist and speaker Wim de Kandie “Bokkeriders South Limburg”war with the Rolling Stones Faction. Revoluzzer, who sat upright in the 1970s-Jahren with Puch- and Tomos-Highrisern-were on the road. The love of Puchs and the unbändige Dutch Reiselust is still alive, 50 years old, they are happy, 1000 Kilometers of fun Puch-Clubs and who will enjoy 2019 Jewish Puch Parade. We will put the Fahrt-damals of St. Wolfgang on the Schmelz for the 50er Highriser stellenweise in a mountain climbing-wettbewerb-ausartete. Wim de Kan played a big role at Ritzel. In the Club-Logo the Bokkeriders Zuid-Limburg of Puch-Markenzeichen and a Bockskopf are used.
From Unverkäuflich zum Top-Seller
About us: Were the Puch-Mopeds-followers in the Netherlands, who have received an indisputable proof of the importer of stockfish with a new image. There is that the US 50 of the current trend spreads with a banana knife, ordered rear light and for all the high Highriser-Lenker equip, the Seilzüge were somewhat longer. There is a country with the “SkyRider” in the Netherlands who is a cult protagonist.