
Queen Silvia: Darum traveled sie plötzlich from Paris ab – ohne Ehemann

Queen Silvia: Darum traveled sie plötzlich from Paris ab – ohne Ehemann

Royal News from all over the world in the GALA ticker: Queen Silvia was alive with Ehemann in Belgien +++ Für Prinz Aymeric und Prinz Nicolas von Belgien began der Ernst des Lebens +++ Königin Mary teilt privates Video.

Royal News from all over the World in the GALA Ticker

August 17, 2024

Queen Silvia hat in Bruder in Belgium

King Silvia, 80, and King Carl Gustaf, 78, enjoyed the royal guests, who never again woolen …

De Grund für ihren Aufbruch erklärte Hofinformationschefin Margareta Thorgren kürzlich gegenüber “Aftonbladet”: “Aus familiären Gründen hat die Königin beschlossen, zu ihrem Bruder zu reisen, der lebt in Belgien. Aber who Sie sehen können, ist der König immer nor in Paris, wo There is no longer any question of Sweden and it is difficult.”

Ralf Sommerlath, 95, is neither Silvias nor Lebender Bruder. Ihr Bruder Walther Sommerlath was published on October 23, 2020, Jörg Sommerlath was finished on February 23, 2006 for ever more August.

August 16, 2024

The Ernst des Lebens began for Prinz Aymeric and Prinz Nicolas of Belgium

Summer is over when it ends, while the royal debts feel bare with the debt bank printing. For the Neffen of the Belgian King Philippe, 64, a new lifestyle has begun. The Zwillinge Prinz Aymeric and Prinz Nicolas, both 18, looked at their files years ago and now followed the rat in their father Prinz Laurent, 60. Whoever is in the Belgian family is a military army.

About the genauen Ablauf had been discussed ihr Vater. After reading the article from “Dana Press” Laurent reads: “I have studied the language and mathematics of the Royal Military School in Sint-Truiden as a student. Nicolas would absolve a polytechnic education so that he could become an engineer. Aymeric wird Sozial – and military science studies, which could work in the commercial world, would have had a military mission abroad, so who is it a bit.’

August 15, 2024

King Mary said in the garden

King Mary genius of the summer and less of her fans and their favorite air type teilhaben. On Instagram, the 52-year-old age has appeared a private video, the broadcast “Billedbladet” in the Garden of the Chancellery House of Schloss Fredensborg has opened. “A smaller, summery look out of our garden in the moment”, writes Mary of the floral bloom – and sorts for the entire bloom in her community. “If you thank the king, then the wonderful garden with an idea and an idea, who finds nature for all of us and our work. The people will become so, that they are small and healthy, as the time in The nature of the words and the beauty they see, was an idea, the life of a gift is a gift, that’s it, there was a comment on the posting of the official Instagram account of the royal family.

August 14, 2024

Prinz Emmanuel hat large Pläne

Prinz Emmanuel, 18, who in the summer of 2010 used files and other data in the Belgian homeland to spread the most. That’s what the Royal Correspondents Rick Evers and Wim Dehandschieter said at the Mittwochnachmittag, August 14, 2024, on X (ehemal Twitter). “The Belgian Prinz Emmanuel has given his International Abitur (IB) to the International School of the Brussels Power. Najahr is a Sprachen en Sport at an Akademie in Ausland-studies. Der Palast does not want to be ben, a good School is itself acts” , Evers cries.

We are proud to inform you that Prinz Emmanuel is “weiterhin an den königlichen Aktivitäten teilnehmen”, whom Dehandschieter would like to have.

König Charles Verasst berührenden Brief

On Sunday, August 11, 2024, the closing ceremony of the December Olympic Games will take place in Paris. A few hours later, King Charles, 75, signed up in Wort – and made a successful broadcast and the Olympic Games from Great Britain and the Commonwealth.

“My friends are happy with each other, with the Wettkämpfern en ihren Betreuern von @teamgb en aus dem gesamten Commonwealth with een num berausragende Erfolgen at the Olympic Games in Paris herzlich zu gratulieren. I can use Disziplines as often as ergebnis an unschätzbaren Combination from Talent “, true talent and heart for the struggle against the years, die in the last weeks through sportsmanship and team spirit in the best tradition of the game, nor the most recent world,” writes King Charles. More concrete:

Once the big prizes are gone, it’s not like they’re won, but they’ve gone on to leave a strong legacy in the nation.

Thanks to King Charles and King Camilla, 76, “Für die Ausrichtung eines so wunderbaren Turniers” and happy with the Paralympics. “I can now say that I have had all the inspiration,” thus the Monarch abschließend.

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan are happy with Archie’s schooling

Mid August, Prince Harry, 39, and Duchess Meghan, 42, make their way to the Columbian countryside on their four-day trip. If the couple makes a few trips back, it may be time to take the next step in Meilenstein’s Life in His Son Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, 5: The Young Is a Study.

The magazine “Hello!” they are becoming more childish in the US as an alternative to years in the first grade of the Grundschule. For the young prince, who experiences my greatest joy, the seriousness is greater. Seine Eltern should not make the stolz on his bald spot so small anymore.

August 13, 2024

Princess Aiko works in his Haustier

Traurige Nachrichten aus dem japanischen Kaiserhaus: Mii, a gettete Katze, die since 2010 dem japanischen Kaiserpaar en signaler Tochter Prinzessin Aiko, 22, gehörte, died on 3. August 2024 in Kaiserpalast, wie a Mitarbeiter der royalen Family on 9. August offiziell mediocre. What is more, Kaiser Naruhito, 64, Kaiserin Masako, 60, and Aiko are waiting for the Kätzchen, “like a fried trip antrat”. Glancing at the imperial family, the Sprecher says:

It is a heavy burden. Because Princess Aiko is a Mii-gekümmert, he is a small war, and he is not so sad.

My war was one of four Kätzchen, who together with my Mutter in May 2010 at the Akasaka Estate in Tokioter Stadtteil Minato was rettet in wurden. After the adjutants at Mii in May have undergone a year of enhanced Sickness festivities. The background of that story is that it is discussed in a tierkrankenhaus.

King Frederik gewährt Blick durchs Schlüsselloch! Palast teilt unsehene Momentaufnahmen

The fact that it is a strange undertaking, but a correct goal in the history of the country, makes a danish landsleute in the past a blessing Mutter Königin Margrethe, 84, born quickly. King Frederik, 56, will insult the Transparenz purchase and provision. The Palace posted a Reihe von Aufnahmen, which began on August 12 when an Audienz force was won, which was established two years later. “I am a royal house with a long tradition, which is practically the same, a special audience, an audience with monarchs that can be antragen”, with the Follower: within the official Instagram channels of Hofes. “There is an opportunity for the public, the king is personally present for the display of a royal order or a medal, for a royal service or for the history of the kings and a service of worship or an expression of gratitude.”

The photos look at the Abbläufe an solchen Tages: Vom Briefing des Regenten over de Schlange der Wartenden in vorfreudiger Erwartung auf das Treffen mit Frederik bis his Verabschiedung des Royals eines Guests, der sich zuvorenbar für seine kurze Begnung mit dem Konings eigens zu diesem A prepared white glove for the palace in Austria. Der König empfing am vergangen Montag 44 Dän:innen zu signal Audienz. Rings after a rain Austausch, der Nähe schafft.

August 12, 2024

Kate’s new video has emerged featuring William in his Urlaubsort

Catherine, Princess of Wales, 42, has not yet made the diagnosis of the credit diagnosis public. Dementia prechend great war die Freude, as I play the Day of the Olympic Games with Ehemann Prince William, 42, a new video that is light. In the clip you see the Royals with Rapper Snoop Dogg, 52, and ex-Kicker David Beckham, 49, together with a British athlete: this one is grateful for his achievements. “We all, who are staying at home, thank Team GB,” Catherine explained, William said: “Well done, Team GB, you were an inspiration to us all.”

Now that Williams Bart is no longer a brand partner, it is so that the background of the scam has begun and is worth the Waleses spending the summer. The Backsteinwand and the Rosenranken seem to close on Anmer Hall. The Anwesen in Norfolk with Kate and William are aware of the holiday season. Kaum surprisingly also, the family insults the peace on their country side enjoys.

Verschämter Lacher! Dänische Handballgröße brought Prinz Christian to shame

Prince Christian, 18, had a good laugh at the final of the Olympic Games in Paris – in two-way reflection. The battle against the German handball national team was not yet for the player, but the Thronfollower and his father King Frederik Gold were. Another example of a bet is a white moment with the national coach with ambitious Landsleute, Nikolaj Jacobsen, 59.

As the former coach of the German Bundesligisten Rhein-Neckar Löwen beim großen Jubel nach dem Erfolg an dem Prinzen vorbeilief, soll there dem Royal Laut “Billed Bladet” has a Zugeraunt haben: “Haben Sie sich erholt?” -Summer ?

King Frederik congratulated Nikolaj Jacobsen with Olympia-Erfolg with the dänischen Handballnationalmannschaft.

King Frederik congratulated Nikolaj Jacobsen with Olympia-Erfolg with the dänischen Handballnationalmannschaft.

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