
Was this specific to Hotel Klink?

Was this specific to Hotel Klink?

If the window is on the Müritz, water flows down to the castle, the guests can also find out and bring money into the municipal cash register – the guests of the new large hotels in Klink. It is only a matter of time to throw out the spectacles before you open your hotel doors. In the small community and the Müritz street was a “new Rohbau”, a “Bau-Ruine”, a spark of Bau-Stopp. Was it loose?

Investor please look for more information

Investor Douglas Fernandes, Managing Director of the AVILA Group, Berlin, knows the Gründe and the Führt that appeared in an unhealthy Zeitung: “Zuerst must at that time give an even greater impetus to the architects, Dieter Reichel, who will be helped. It is therefore necessary that a new architect makes a full-fledged planning and strengthens it. This has cost us nature’s sake a lot of time”, he says.
Zudem has started in the construction sector “in 2023 everything is negative about the beach, that is one of the many things that are going on, with high construction costs”. The new financing plans for construction projects are becoming increasingly difficult in the construction sector. “There are also always new and incomplete care arrangements, which you have to make in common conversation with plans, construction firms and stamps. If you are looking for a technical correction of the leader of the Zeiträume, you should make the following plans,” said Fernando.

Verzögerungen since nicht more aufzuholen

Was the Verzögerung für ihn bedeutet? “Wir müssen de Situation so annehmen, wie sie ich jeweilig tatsächlich darstellt. It’s no different than that. There is a good chance that the hotel will be quick and easy to set up. All embedded actions will no longer occur in the future, but it is so. An Eröffnungstermin was included in the hotel manager to benefit years later. “De Zusammenarbeit mit der Gemeinde und de baubehördlichen Institutionen ist gut”, räumt is een Frage nach een Bau-Stopp aus. After all, it is clear that: “On the basis of the circumstances of the country, the nature of the situation affects the nature of the regulations.”

Community appreciation remains new

The fruit also of the Mayor of the Klink Municipality, Thomas Beckmann (Wählergemeinschaft). The Municipality lasts long in the New Construction of the Hotels and Darauf, “the guest of the region is rich and has money in the municipal and other Kassen-kommt.” It is so that the Sache verzögere is, that is now the bad health. Man lives now on a baldigen Termin for the new house and the Müritz, where we now no longer have guests, but a little for the Einheimische Optionen-böte.

Sechs Jahre nach spektakulärer Sprengung

Fast forward to the spectacle of the Alten Hotels -Betreiber war vor 1990 der Feriendienst des Freien Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes (FDGB) in der DDR, damals der großte Reiseveranstalter – herrscht auf dem 45 Hektar großen Grundstück am Westufer der Müritz zwar wie gesagt aktuell no rule Betriebsamkeit, aber die Hofnung with a glückliches End for the idyllic Area with a tour-oriented history. From 1974 to 2017, Urlauber from East Germany virtually died Klinke in de Hand in the Vorzeigehotel with eight Geschossen. Das Haus kannten aber auch Kinder und Jugendliche aus der Müritzregion – all beau roads des Schwimmunterrichts in dem household Bad.

Schwimmen fellleicht auch für Schüler

Nun soll besagtes moderns Vier-Sterne-Hotel 248 Zimmer auf fünf Etagen bieten, een restaurant in der sechsten Etage, Wellnessanlagen. A separate Tagungs area was created with the multifunctional room in the Zwei Stockwerke with the Verbindung zum Hotel, a great Spa area with a sauna area which is located in the Außen- and Innenpool and – wieder a Schwimmbad. If it is no longer possible to buy, Fernando has received the Nordkurier declaration in Vorfeld, aber auch: “Für angemeldete Schulgruppen ist die Tür immer offen”, damned that he releases his debt. It is a business that is run as an investor, but it is a shame that it is being stolen.

Betreiber hat bereits Objekt in Klink

Obviously, the Haus Steht, feudal lord of the Entscheidung des Betreibers – der AVILA-Group, has a Reha-Klinik in Klink, while Douglas Fernando gave all possible options and started to strengthen the hygiene regulations in the hotel business. Schließlich habe Corona fell changed and also a factor of the care. When you start, the estimated costs are no more than 60 million euros. Aktuell lie keine new Zahlen vor.

The owner of the new magnificent building would be the Dorint Group with seats in Berlin. If you spread a message about the matter, you can request the information and contact the AVILA Group and have a carefree experience.