
If: Ärzte streiken nach Ermordung einer Medizinerin – Politik

If: Ärzte streiken nach Ermordung einer Medizinerin – Politik

Wut und Trauer in der Ärzteschaft, Entsetzen in der Gesellschaft: Der gewaltsame Tod a young Ärztin in Ausbildung hat in Als een nieuw Welle von Prostenen ausgelöst. It is a different situation that affects the most populous country in the world. Now there is a new dimension to the Protest: Am Samstag ab sechs Uhr (Ortszeit) has niiederlegt Medizinerinnen and Mediziner landesweit in the Work for 24 Stunden. The fact is that it is more like a million Mediziner and the Australian state.

Nut services have never had any trouble with the Indian Medical Association. The Krankenhäuser says that the personal learning process of the college for not-fälle-rerangezogen. The protesters and protesters ensure safe working conditions – and a punishment of Täters or der Täter.

The long problem could become a bigger problem, if the problem of the 31 years in the future verganger Woche gefunden was founded – in a Seminarraum in Krankenhauses in der Millionenstadt Kalkutta. The Frau will certainly have lived after a long shot. If you are looking for an autopsy, you may have a sexual experience. The Polizei is having a Defense Fest. Stimmen from the Ärzteschaft messageseten, the Obduktion deute on a Gruppenvergewaltigung hin. Inzwischen who is the highest administrative body, is an Indian Bundespolizeibehörde and the Ermittlungen zu übernehmen.

Viele Medizinerleben Gewalt, Frauen ganz besonders

“Frauen machen die Mehrheit unseres Berufsstandes in diesem Land aus”, says the chairman of the Ärztekammer IMA, RV Asokan. “I always live in peace with my safety.” Mamata Banerjee, the Chief Minister of the Federal State of West Bengal, has heard the Kalkutta, who is protesting.

There are big problems with solving problems: there are problems and problems on the subcontinent during the work on the Arbeitsplatz. The message is so big that a lot of fear arises – when patients die. In 75th place of the Medizinerinnen and the Mediziner who have appeared in Drohungen, the best mountain reefs, this is in a study by the Indian Medical Association from 2019.

To others are a woman who lives in the patriarchal country with 1.4 million inhabitants and a vergeitet property. If you have official data in your country, a new vergewaltigungfall is reported. The actual number must therefore be higher, as women’s lawyers and again show. But the stigma is so great, that may not be so bad. A Grund lasts the society-being. Every year became a number of years in which many debts were made, whereby debts were chosen as young people and the family often got a financial burden – the more they would have to be if their heir would receive a high gift, which is inzwischen offiziell verboten.

An even more brutal Fall-sorgte for zölf Jahren for schärfere Gesetze

Other things that are brutal are sexual feelings, it is the largest amount of money – for all groups that a 23-year-old student studied in one of the many years in the capital of Delhi. You died suddenly in a hospital. Every dam that protested en masse was a verschärfung der Gesetze fuhrte. The four tatters died and years died on the gallows – would cheer a hundred before their prison in the capital Delhi.

Trotzdem fell domestically within the police and the judicial system – except as one of the caste angehören. Viele Fälle bleiben jahrelang lie, manche Verdächtige kommen gar auf Kaution frei. Deshalb beteiligten sich jijetzt auch foute Frauen and de Prostenen – von Jung bis Alt. If you know about the Indian history of the evil British colony lords during the night of Donnerstag, and are afraid for a lifetime. In derselben Nacht Randalierten Menschen in the Krankenhaus, wed die Leiche der 31-jährigen Ärztin in Ausbildung for rund uner Woche gefunden. The police say nothing about the fact that they received an angry scepter, but about the festivities.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote the Fall in his speech on Saturday indirectly. “The Breite Masse ist wütend,” says the 73-year-old. “Our country, our Society and our Regional Management must increase the seriousness of the matter. Verbrechen gegen Frauen sollten with greater urgency were unteruchted.” But that Werte einer Gesellschaft ändern itself now along.

Patients stand on the Samstag in front of the Krankenhäusern Schlange – one way or another to erase, the roads of the Streiks will not become medical versorgung. “I have spent 500 rupees on my travels, here, here. I have had love and happiness in my life, my life and well-being,” says a patient at the SCB Medical College Hospital in Cuttack and a local radio operator. “We were not conscious of our region.”