
GZSZ will last until the next Comeback: It will come after four years

GZSZ will last until the next Comeback: It will come after four years

For four years with Schauspieler, Moderator and Reality-Star Lucas Sauer in GZSZ-eligible “Sunny, where are you really?” to the page Valentina Pahdes signal Debüt im Universe der Serie “Good Times, Bad Times”. A role was played by the professional footballers Claudio.

GZSZ: Lukas Sauer rose a

GZSZ: Lukas Sauer played Adam Leitner
Adams (Lukas Sauer) Lebenslauf überzeugt Moritz. Photo: RTL / Rolf Baumgartner

Jetzt kehrt is zurück in the world of the great RTL-Serie. Whoever wears RTL’s best hat, übernimmt Sauer a Rolle in der Hauptserie. There is an overview of the Gastrolle des Adam Leitner, Luis (Marc Weinmann) Bratislava Flirt! And ausgeschnet Moritz (Lennart Borchert) hire Adam as a freelancer in the agency!

GZSZ | Lukas Sauer spicht über seine Gastrolle: Adam sorts for Chaos!

“Adam came to the Berlin GZSZ-Kiez, while the agent’s team had all their hands full with his hat. New experiences, many problems and problems with the personal problems of teams provide an enormous working capital. Because everything is voted for us, Moritz becomes a freelancer for the agent for his beauty – and one of the freelancers is Adam”, so Sauer über seine Rolle. And further: “Was Moritz not planning to: There is an unwise individuality of Schicksal nach Berlin. When Adam no longer had a new work project in the city, an undisputed undertaking would be everything else as usual – and the Leben von Moritz komplett op de Kopf stellen wird!”

GZSZ: Gerner and Rosa television

GZSZ-Showdown: Does Rosa Gerner’s Untergang enjoy endgültig?

At 31, Wolfgang Bahro played in the Serie … Read more »

Warning, Spoiler: This article will find information about GZSZ-Folge, on RTL on Thursday, September 22, at 7:40 PM in Free-TV time. The episode that will be shown a week later can be seen on streaming service RTL+. *

If you are interested in the series “Good Times, Bad Times”, you can also follow the comments on the RTL-Kosmos cases:

“Unter Uns” and GZSZ-Ableger: Where is Lukas Sauer?

Sunny: Sex
Lukas Sauer in “Sunny, wer bist du wirklich”. Photo: TVNOW

Can win Lukas Sauer (33) in the year 2013 in the Kuppel-Show “Mamma Mia – Were heiress my son?” In the format, Sauers started muttering with the Jagd nach dem Traummann. Danach started out as a Schauspieler.

Sein Seriendebüt feierte Sauer 2014 at “Unter uns”, 2020 war er in GZSZ-Ableger “Sunny, where are you really?” of Valentina Pahde so see. Zuletzt is a role in the SAT.1 Vorabend series “The Coastal River” inside.

If you haven’t yet read “Sunny, where are you happy?” Sauer is associated with the “Good Times, Bad Times” Cosmos.

Dschungelcamp: Georgina Fleur and Danni Büchner television

Dschungelcamp-Nachrücker bekannt | RTL enthusiastic: Noch eine Legende sees as Kandidaten-Schreck ein!

A Tag nach de Vorab-Start auf dem Streaming… Read more »

Ulrike Frank and Lukas Sauer go on the Tour

Ulrike Frank and Lukas Sauer
Lukas Sauer and Ulrike Frank. Photo: image / Tristar Media

2024 will be celebrated by the Schauspieler during the year in Folge with Katrin-Darstellerin Ulrike Frank auf große Theater tour through Germany. They are both in the Theaterstück “A common trick” so see. Sauer plays Frank’s youthful Liebhaber Billy, his Rolle Camille after a heißen Nacht erpresst…

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