
Lower Saxony and Bremen: Few Zwischenfälle at Start des Stoppelmarkts in Vechta

Lower Saxony and Bremen: Few Zwischenfälle at Start des Stoppelmarkts in Vechta

Lower Saxony & Bremen
Few Zwischenfälle at Start des Stoppelmarkts in Vechta

Am Tag nach dem Besuch von Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister Cem Özdemir (Grüne) darf auch die Offentlichkeit at the Stoppelmarkt in Vechta. The police see a first Fazit.

Vechta (dpa/lni) – Zum Auftakt des traditional Stoppelmarkts in Vechta is es der Polizei überwiegend ruhig geblieben. Only during the night of the night was it “a unified, veranstaltungstypischen formfällen”, teilte the Polizei Cloppenburg/Vechta with. Four cases of milder sexual harassment and two cases of sexual harassment were reported. In the meantime, another 25 years in Vechta will be recorded. More can be said about the wallet, this will be further. Der Mann blieb laut Polizei unverletzt.

The 726. The end of the war during the Spätsommer people’s festivities is a Freitagnachmittag for the Besucherinnen and Besucher eröffnet become. Tags are the Federal Minister of Economic Affairs Cem Özdemir (Grüne) and the Festumzug teilgenommen. Ben Montag with Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) at Empfang der Stadt Vechta erwartet.

The Stoppelmarkt is the highlight of the folk festivals in Lower Saxony. This year comes after 800,000 guests in the city with 160,000 square meters of festivities with more than 500 exhibitions.