
We were waiting for the sensation: Kiel wendet Katastrofen-Start ab, BVB hat reichlich Alu-Dusel

We were waiting for the sensation: Kiel wendet Katastrofen-Start ab, BVB hat reichlich Alu-Dusel

We were more than happy with the sensation
Kiel wendet Katastrofen-Start ab, BVB with reichlich Alu-Dusel

The DFB-Pokal is once again put on a bigger sensation. Holstein Kiel assumed that the first prominent offer was made, but it was worth playing in the next round. Borussia Dortmund is with the aluminum in the Bunde and shows its luminous shine. In the transition period, four Bundesligists had started at one of the Aufstiegshürde gescheitert, now all eleven have started bilang with Erstligisten weiter. Meister and Pokalsieger Bayer Leverkusen and vice-meister VfB Stuttgart rise first in the Wettbewerb ein.

1. FC Phönix Lübeck – Borussia Dortmund 1:4 (0:3)

Mühevoll über die Auftakthürde: Nuri Sahin has given his Pflichtspiel debut as Borussia Dortmund’s coach a brilliant experience. In the first round of the DFB-Pokals, the BVB played the regional match 1. FC Phönix Lübeck in Hamburg after a play ausbaufähigen Leistung with 4:1 (3:0).

Neuzugang Waldemar Anton (3.), Emre Can (31./Foulelfmeter) and Julian Brandt (45.+2) performed in the first half of the quickly sold-out Volkspark, in the Lübecker for his “Jahrhundertspiel” were sucked. Julien Duranville (62.) countered in the course of time the Anschlussstreffer by Obina Iloka (55.).

The recognition of the form of the Champions League finalists has begun at the quadruple in Grenzen. A woman who the Bundesliga start against Eintracht Frankfurt on the coming Saturday (18:30/Sky) insulted the BVB the new Mann and the Seitenlinie during a single Konzentrationsmangel in Ballbesitz.

Zahlreiche Dortmund Fans power the party for the BVB with an unusual “home game”. If you want to book one of the best results, it is possible that the BVB gets nervous and gets a small chance of credit. Cans 2:0 on the penalty area and the moisture separation in the night game time of the first half of the marks Abschluss in Eins-gegen-Eins but cannten the defensive anfälligen Lübecker not prevent.

Sahin, as a player with the BVB has become Meister and that summer in the Alter von nur 35 Years that Nachfolge von Edin Terzic had angetreten hatte, must take a break to clearer Führung wechseln. For the light English Gregor Kobel (Rücken) comb Ersatztorwart Alexander Meyer.

One of the quickest hints is that Greifen – Weil Brandt in Mittelfeld de Ball vertändelte en Iloka anschließend aus 16 Metern trocken ins lefte obere Eck traf. 2289 A day after the broadcast of the Bundesliga game as a player reacted to Sahin and half another Yan Couto zu seinem Debut in the Fünferkette des BVB.

The next chance comes from the Frechen Heimteam in the free Stadion. Emanuel Adou travels after a stunde in the Außenpfosten, später the Norddeutschen still catch two further Mal Pfosten and Latte. For 18 years, the other BVB top talent Duranville has never ended up in the tunnel in the Drei-Tore-vorst with her. Bigger Jubilant fires at the foundation of the BVB in the 68. Minutes, as Ex-Hoffenheimer and Nationalspieler Maximilian Beier starts in the black dress on the Platz.

Alemannia Aachen – Holstein Kiel 2:3 (1:1)

Aufsteiger Holstein Kiel has been sucked into the second Runde with plenty of strength. The leading teams of the Drittliga-Rückkehrer Alemannia Aachen wanted the Team of Trainer Marcel Rapp to experience a wild Erstrundenspiel with a full-fledged Schluss Offensive nor with 3:2 (1:1), the only Defender Lasse Rosenboom war with both Treffern Holsteins Held des Tages. During the heart of the battle, it is about Schleswig-Holsteiner now with the tailwind in the first Bundesliga-Saison in the Vereinsgeschichte.

Thanks to the Tore von Shuto Machino (16.), and Rosenboom (82./90.+1) Holstein lost the ticket for the next round, Rosenboom was first eliminated in the 79. Minute. For Aachen played Captain Mika Hanraths (28.) and Charlison Benschop (60.). We continue with the Kieler who comes on Saturday (15.30 Uhr/Sky) at historical Liga-Auftakt at the TSG Hoffenheim. After warming up the current, a first man-team plays in the northern part of the Bundesland in the Oberhaus.

Auf dem Tivoli heelten die Gastgeber von Beginn an gut mit. If you have a single file, choose Holstein zu. After the Flanke von Finn Porath bought the machine unused. Danach war Aachen all things less ebenbürtig. Anton Heinz shoots an Ecke in front of the Kieler Tor, Hanraths heels das Bein – and glich away. Before the Pause, Aachens Benschop (39.) now has a handsome boy, ehe Heinz (44.) Holstein-Torwart Timon Weiner zur Parade vogue.

After the half-time, both teams vary with a game control, where Aachen increases its chances – and becomes useless. If you knock Benschop out of the 2:1, even his stand, which makes the ball for Weiner unstoppable. In the next series that followed Kieler, Captain Lewis Holtby broke ahead of Schlenzer and Alemannia goalkeeper Marcel Johnen (62.), before Benedikt Pichler now a Minute Später win. If Rosenboom is now three minutes after the triumph, Holstein is drifting on the Last-Minute-Erflg – and on the Final War of 22-Years vorbehoudten.

Arminia Bielefeld – Hannover 96 2:0 (2:0)

Zweitligist Hannover 96 is een seiner Auftakthürde separated. The Pokalsieger from 1992 lost at the Drittligist Arminia Bielefeld after a schwachen Anfangsphase with 0:2 (0:2) and happened who schon im Vorjahr in the first Runde aus.

Bielefeld’s New Tour Andre Becker (13.) hated the Arminia brought out of the Kurs, Louis Oppie (22.) raised his voice against the advice of the beginning, his passive Hannoveraner fell only a few times per Traumtor. While Bielefeld played the written version of the new season, 96 must play the first Niederlage.

The Mannschaft of Trainer Stefan Leitl started the Fehlstart in the Party for all themselves: A Fehler of Kapitän Marcel Halstenberg nutzte Becker around his Fuhrung. If Arminia plays the best game, it is 2:0 that a distance of Oppie deserves until then.

Leitl sah entsprechenden Handlungsbedarf – and changed in the 37th. Minute dubbelt. It is a fact that Hannover is now at the height of the party, and now one of the most interesting Bielefelders is selected, which has now started on September 1st for the second solved run. There will be started with parties on October 29th and 30th.