
Saxony-Anhalt: Start for praxisintegriertes Lehramtsstudium

Saxony-Anhalt: Start for praxisintegriertes Lehramtsstudium

Start for praxisintegriertes Lehramtsstudium

Saxony-Anhalt fights against the Lehrermangel. Unter otherm geht das Land new Wege bei der Ausbildung. 30 Start study success in a model project in Magdeburg.

Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – One of the universities of Magdeburg has been starting a new study for 30 years. You can give the Studiums money and debts. Now the first studies on the study and the state of Saxony-Anhalt should be brought to the attention, with the Bildungsministerium in Magdeburg. The model project is a Baustein project that makes one of the Lehrermangel solutions and the quality of the Lehrkräfteaus-bildung significant.

In the practice-oriented Bachelor-Studiengang, from the beginning of the Winter semester 2024/25, theoretical knowledge and school practice were combined. During the semester you can study on a day on which you work in your hospital stay and the first experiences for the class together. I have followed a Masterstudium education that has a number of years of own skills on the second day of the week.

Für Kombinationen mit dem Erstfach Deutsch wurden laut Ministerium 16 Zusagen vergeben, für das Erstfach Mathematik 14. Deutsch ist mit Ethik, Technik und Chemie kombinierbar, Mathematik mit Physik, Technik und Chemie. The study results are clear, after the Studium fünf Jahre als Lehrerin or Lehrer in Saxony-Anhalt zu work.