close – Düren: Kellerbrand in der Nordstadt – Aufnauwen Lösch – Düren: Kellerbrand in der Nordstadt – Aufnauwen Lösch – Düren: Kellerbrand in der Nordstadt – Additional Lösch- und Belüftungsarbeiten – Düren: Kellerbrand in der Nordstadt – Aufnauwen Lösch

Düren: During the Leitstelle des Kreises Düren, the Feuerwehr Düren am Samstagnachmittag was alerted at 3 p.m. at a Kellerbrand in a Mehrfamilienhaus on the Bretzelnweg.

If there is a first deployment of power, a smoke can be carried out in the stairwell and basement. Failed persons were not present. Start with the security of the occupants of the stairwell by means of air-purifying materials smoke-free contents. Parallel were started with the knowledge and fire control in the basement. All these materials must be removed by the air protection. It is a connection with a number of residents from the various dwellings of the houses. These are heated during the first week of the week, with the contact with the deployment of power, with verbs. The problem could be in the kitchen if there is a problem with the thermal imaging chamber, where a heater and a gel are needed. An entrauchung in verzweigten Keller erofolgreich durchzuführen, must nor Spezialausrüstung der Feuerwehr Düren, zur Rauchabsaugung, nachgefordert be. Persons were not lost. After the end of all the maßnahmen, the entrepreneur could zurück in his living environment. The Bretzelnweg war for the Dauer des Einsatzes for the Verkehr gesperrt. The Feuerwehr Düren war with the high-ranking Wache, the Löschzug Mitte, the Löschgruppe Birkesdorf and the Löschgruppe Derichsweiler with 45 Einsatzkräften three Stunden in Einsatz.

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