
Bürgermeister Hein: Friedrichshafen’s Potential Uses

Bürgermeister Hein: Friedrichshafen’s Potential Uses

“That city has so much potential,” said Bürgermeister Andreas Hein, who since October 2023, among others, works for Schulen, Kindergärten, Kultur, Sport and Tourismus together. On a summer interview with “Schwä” there is a rundflug during the themes, which make volleyball fans, baths and night competitions more interesting.

You can spend a long time with city marketing and tourist information. What is behind the initiative?

The Grundgedanke ist einfach: Who got with them, was wir haben, möglichst felle PS auf die Straße. Wir wollen Synergie has and Schnittstellen verbessern.

Andreas Hein: "We want Friedrichshafen with a Guss market – authentic and lively."

Andreas Hein: “Woolen Friedrichshafen at a Guss markets – authentic and tasty.” (Photo: Castles/City FN)

How does this work?

We want Friedrichshafen with a Guss market – authentic and powerful. The city that fell so Potential: the extensive cultural history, an infrastructure at the level of the city, on the Lage am See. We must bundle strengths, improve knowledge base, develop marketing and merchandise.

Who is the organizational leader? From whom did Köpfen fall?

The correct shape is displayed. Anyway, the output is high, but 25 minutes and more is executed as a moment. Also strong aspects of playing a roll. We still have great success in the years of the common life. It is a good destination in Friedrichshafen. We are happy to discuss our wishes, the highlights of our work – for guests and citizens.

If you ever want to click on the night of your visit, isn’t it the best way to escape?

The fact is: Der Bedarf ist da. Wer mit Herzblut und Kreativität Angebote Kracht, der find je guest. However, Friedrichshafen is the perfect destination for gastronomes.

Who can leave the city?

We can provide real estate, real estate advice, valuable images. Aber Wirte, Eigentümer und Gäste müssen auch mitziehen. Wo, if it is no longer so, can a man be new?

Let an interview be after 100 days in the Amt, if you have an overview of the Häfler Schullandschaft that you deliver. What about the mittlerweile?

I have. There can be no more debts that are suitable for the machine and maintenance in the right direction. How can it be that you have a problem with a bigger problem?


For the purpose of the diversion of the Albert Merglen School into the Fallenbrunnen. If you purchase a sinful debt burden here, while you are ashamed of a sense of guilt in a residential area, you can overload the Erweiterung der Fischbacher Schule and purchase another five-group Kita. If you do not use the description, it cannot be lost. A building is not a self-inflicted object. It was one of the many einschränkt: so-called stricter regulations on the themes of building, environmental, art and monument protection.

Fallenbrunnen 18: If the Albert Merglen School is a fact here, this has not happened yet.

Fallenbrunnen 18: If the Albert Merglen School is a fact here, this has not happened yet. (Photo: Florian Peking)

Was passionate about the sogenannten Horrorräumen in the Gymnasien, also the more natural sciences Fachräumen dort come over the years?

The Räume is nothing more than a musical staff. A Sanierung 1:1 is not possible and not a waste. It would probably be that the problem was not solved. If the file is deleted, the file has become larger and then it has become new. I am woolen wool with a rough planung. Grundsätzlich gilds not “Think big”, says “Think stable, focused and efficient”, also not big, healthy, stable, fokussiert and efficient thinking and planning.

Am Thema Hallenplanung kommen wir auch diesmal nicht vorbei …

If you laugh at the guilt rung, you say: Wir de Bedarf heute rechnerisch ab, nur nicht nahe der jeweiligen Schule. During the Neubauten you buy the Gelände from the ZF-Arena and the other Festhalle. Außerdem wollen wir noch in diesem Jahr den Baubeschluss für den Neubau der Rotachhalle in Ailingen fassen.

Who is the standings at the ZF Arena?

There is an anthracite in the short term shown. If you are not at the Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, the Denkmalschutz is zuständig ist.

When does the divorce take place?

Das lie nicht in unserer Hand.

Now closed for four years: the ZF Arena.

Now closed for four years: the ZF Arena. (Photo: Jens Lindenmüller)

The VfB Friedrichshafen published an online petition in 2000 for the construction of a multifunctional arena for the Zeppelin Stadium. Was it silenced by the action?

Because the company was dealing with the petition, which had no legal force, a stimmungsbild was eiingeholt. It’s okay. We would have started the conversation with the topic of this theme and the idea of ​​VfB and Volleyball GmbH grundsätzlich for a good cause. The city cannot and does not want to subsidize professional sports. There is a problem that exists in the professional sports world, but it is not possible to get into a community.

Without money from the city or foundation it is no longer possible.

The VfB comes as a community association with all others in the Genuss der Kommunalen Sportförderung. Das Konzept muss stimmen. If VfB and professional volleyball players have more partners and sponsors, then it is a project for voting.

Vorzeitige Schließung des Sportbads, kürzere Öffnungszeiten in de Freibädern – da war en ist der Wurm drin. Is it so bleiben?

Natural values ​​will last all longer periods, when they are used in the weather. But: We do not find anything personal here. The problem is not solved in Friedrichshafen, but is solved in Germany. Therefore, one of the free carriers for something short, but releasable, time spans of 11 to 20 hours occur. We want to remain stable for a long time. It is best to perform the calculations, which do a spinning job.

And when the Freibäder schließen….

…. then power that the Sportbad wieder auf. Verlässlich.

"Kurzere, aber verlässliche Öffnungszeiten" gibt in 2024 in Strandbad Friedrichshafen.

“Kürzere, aber verlässliche Öffnungszeiten” will be published in Strandbad Friedrichshafen in 2024. (Photo: Florian Peking)

You had an interview with the Kulturhaus Caserne in the high Tönen world. Kino and Metro are closed. Who else is there?

Wouldn’t you think here: Why should we put the house, which the city heard at the time, entirely in the responsibility of the cultural center operators? When those responsible themselves were separated, they wanted to renew in a better quality. It is a bigger problem, but it is so that the standard criticism is expanded and expanded in one’s own direction. It can all be ready for discussion in the fall. I think: A social-cultural center needs a free space.

The Open-Air FN:Pop 2025 is written. Is this a Fazit?

A great experience. Nobody has an idea to watch directly. And if you can use the concerts in Fallenbrunnen, you can do that. If it is good, Friedrichshafen can attract a young audience from outside. Bisher goes to no complaints about Lärm- or the traffic burden. This is a natural experience.

The Open-Air FN:Pop 2025 is here "said, that Friedrichshafen at a young age Publikum von außerhalb anlocken kann"says Bürgermeister Andreas Hein.

Das Open-Air FN:Pop 2025 has “said that Friedrichshafen can join a young public from außerhalb”, said Bürgermeister Andreas Hein. (Photo: Castles/City FN)