
Walter Zenga played in football in the zurück

Walter Zenga played in football in the zurück

Walter Zenga stay in the world of football balls with a Rolle zurück employee. The ehemalige Torhüter of Inter and the National Mannschaft would be zum new Club Manager & Markenbotschafter von Siracusa Calcio Ernannt, a Sicilian team that plays in Serie D. There is a page of Sports Director Mignemi and Geschäftsführer Guglielmino at work.

Walter Zenga wieder in football

It is not the first time working in Sicily, but it is worth using the Catania and Palermo training hat. Dieses Mal is in a new role as Manager-manager. The announcement is part of the Facebook account of the Sicilian clubs. «Legend of Italian and well-known Fußballs – heißt es in dem Beitrag – there is a way in which management is drawn in and not guided by active business operations auch die Marke Siracusa Calcio in Italy and in the Ausland fördern.» Zengas was the Manager of the Sonntag in the game against Città di Sant’Agata.

In recent years we can look at sports commentators on Sky Sport and roles as trainers. Zuletzt war is chief coach at Emirates, a team of the highest league in the United Arab Emirates. Nur 4 Monaten wurde is jedoch entlassen. He was technical director at Persita Tangerang in the top Indonesian League. Sein letztes Abenteuer in the Italian war in the year 2020, as a trainer of Cagliari war.

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