
Happy End for the Cologne Hund – proud of its Riesen-Zorn

Happy End for the Cologne Hund – proud of its Riesen-Zorn

„It is not always possible to jeopardize“, that is what happens when you fall in Tierheim Cologne-Dellbrück zu – all things were open to the eyes and are very scary.

The most sensible thing is: Snoopy is a small player who works and starts up. An active picture of the four beiners told Sylvia Hemmerling, the Speaker of the Tierheims in Dellbrück, on Saturday (August 17, 2024).

Tierheim Köln-Dellbrück is happy – “Snoopy” has a new Zuhause

There is new funding for the Mittlerweile. Or as Hemmerling said: “Whoever is in the picture, Snoopy has found the ‘Perfect Match’ and has become very beautiful.”

The Schnapschuss with Snoopy was noticed by the around 55,000 followers and followers of Tierheims per se. This post is about the comments that were not made about the status quo, but is one of the previous ones.

Well, Snoopy has to do his best to keep going a little and bring the joy of life and freedom to the palm.

Hemmerling says in detail: “If the large quantity increases, it will be a problem that the stock does not yet come from the Haut and Knochen. Sein Besitzer, unglaublich aber wahr, hatte ihn schlichtweg verhungern lassen, and that fully aware, Futter war in the living conditions.”

Here you can see the Instagram Beitrag vom Tierheim Köln-Dellbrück:

When you sit on the Hundehalter, the reactions to the dominant reactions will take place. “Unglaublich! I would like to have a clear written history of my life”, “Hoffe, the previous Halter was reported? Schön, that’s a Happy End-gibt” and “Unfassbar. Solche Leute müssen but vom Gesetz her were punished! That can only be done without hinges, I’m shocked” – so allow one of the reactions.

Whoever sees the Animal Home has been painting for a year, and Snoopy has started sailing in Dellbrück, alle zwei Stunden Futter. I think it is first a matter of the Kangal-Mix with a weight.

Now reading: More information, abgemagert or tot: Kaal steht Kölner Paar voor dem Richter

This is Snoopy’s mittlerweile, liegt auch an der Unterstützung von Nachbarinnen und Nachbarn seiner alten Heimat. If you merge the low low into the vanguard, Tierheim will be noticed by the situation.