
That’s Olesen after another Siegreffer against Sandhausen

That’s Olesen after another Siegreffer against Sandhausen

From 1. FC Köln a great Debüt-Tore in the 2. Runde of the DFB-Pokals won. Julian Pauli and Mathias Olesen are the power brokers of the FC-Fans.

Julian Pauli has left the party, Mathias Olesen has taken over the power: they are both owners of the 1. FC Köln played the Sonttag at SV Sandhausen in the middle point. Both players are in their first life as FC-Profi’s and have thus separated each other from each other in the DFB-Pokal at.

You are a Tor for Kopf, zunächst zur 1:0-Führung, schließlich in der Verlängerung zum entscheidenden 3:2 – for the 19-year-old Pauli and the 23-year-old Olesen wurde der Pokalfight at Drittligisten zum unvergesslichen Erlebnis. “Eine super Sache”, says Kapitän Timo Hübers for the Duo. “That first Profi-Tor is wrong, man.”

Julius Pauli: Das Gefühl bei my Tor was unbeschreiblich. I knew nothing, I was machen sollte. It is also a moment that the fans enjoy. Having the pleasure of playing with each other and having fun is extremely exciting. In the Chancenverwertung müssen the more consistent for the Tor sein. The war cleared up the problem in the first game. The fight against the Wahnsinn, that can be a man like Heimspiel bezeichnen.

Mathias Olesen: The victory was a great solution. We played the first 60 minutes and kept everything under control. There is a chance that the chance is great that this 2:1 will be played. Then we were hectic hinten. After the 2:2 has won a large number of funds and not won. That is the 3:2 authorized power, war personal is focused on me. Tonight I have received the decision that I play. In the war it was nervous, but it is a good idea, how man then also focussed is. I have a quiet hope, my game to perform. It is so beautiful that the player of the game has become.

Timo Hübers: It’s a matter of life if you have a problem. Am Ende since we aber deserves to come more. Two factories were like this: We would have to buy two Gegentores here, buying is not possible, with a lack of convenience that would prevent them from doing so. And before you remove the thread, the Dritte zu machen. We also must have a night’s sleep. So it is manchmal in Pokal.

When the game has started, it is so bad that four Tore machen könen. If you have one of the most popular Schwerpunkt on Standards, then you have received a large amount of money. That is positive. Der Sieg is the best in the idea, how wollen football game is.

Christian Keller: The Erleichterung is great, it is a natural way of thinking, which can even talk about sparrows in a von Erleichterung. We look forward to seeing the faster games on our website. We were brutally dominant in the game, gut-drying in the first half of the time. We would like to spend half-hours higher than 2:0 hours. After the break it was a great time to be come by Torchancen, while we were in the funfer that were spielt. Aber wir machen ihn stop nicht. Dass wir dann noch das 2:2 kassiert haben, war unever.

Gerhard Struber: I have known, it is a great challenge to go. You can do it and it is good to do. The Marschroute hat in the first half of the time is more than successful. Wir sind waard in Führung gegangen and hätten noch höher führen können. I have experienced one or another moment during the course of time. Sandhausen has invested a lot in investments – and that has succeeded. The Tor in the second minute of the Nachspielzeit war schon a Nackenschlag.

Deswegen have a greater response, who reinvests the Jungs. Das Weiterkommen is worth more. Gemeinsam mit fell Engagement is very schafft. Wir nehmen den großen Glauben and das Gewinnen with.