
Landtagswahl: Endspurt: FDP decides Wahlaufruf

Landtagswahl: Endspurt: FDP decides Wahlaufruf

Weniger Bürokratie, more digitalization: Die Thüringer FDP I had a Wahlkampfendspurt with some important forward rescissions. “One of the most important options is an unjustified guarantee,” said Thuringian FDP leader Thomas Kemmerich after the Verabschiedung at an FDP party meeting in Erfurt. Construction of the Lehrermangels in Thuringia is focused on FDP proposals and does not fall under digital statistics – by video format.

More Digitalisierung will die the FDP laut Kemmerich If you hire a company, a bureaucracy will be taken over and a rental property in Behorden in the coming years of your compensation. You have to see carefully which bureaucracy is really necessary. “And what remains, that has to be digitalized”, it said. “There are 18,000 people in public administration, who have died in the following years in the Ruhestand. These 18,000 people can be replaced by the automated, digitalization processes, such as Kemmerich. The middle class, the current urgent workforce, fails in the future still more Personal.