
Körper-Versicherungen der Stars: Is this something for “Normalos”?

Körper-Versicherungen der Stars: Is this something for “Normalos”?


STYLE BOOK Editorial

August 19, 2024, 06:21 AM |
Reading time: 3 minutes

For a quick 40 million dollar prize, pop star Taylor Swift is a real hero. J.Los Hintern is worth 300 million, Madonnas Brüste 2 million. Part of the cooking experience is a long trend among VIPs. Do you have a regular job? Two insurance experts have the answers.

Also available: Who actually came up with that astronomical summary and can you do this work? “Körperteile, Körperfunktionen, z. B. de Zunge von Testessern, or de Fähigkeit zu sportleistungen” is voor een Versicherung met de Stars-geeignet, erklärt der Versicherer Lloyd’s in Deutschland. Once you know that your money or that money is an interesting interest, it is also true that money is earned that way by the experts. Heißt: a shame at Schauspielern, Künstlern general and Sportlern.

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Often the promise is offered in the future on a new job. For example, pop diva Mariah Carey lies for a big deal with “Gilette” in her life for a billion dollars, an event that leads to accidents with damage to the customer and Gagen-Ausfall that find their way.

In a speech from “Die Deutschen Versicherer” (GDV), STYLEBOOK said here: “Auch deutschen Fußballnationalspieler haben sich während der Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2014 omfangreich versichert. The overall investment was EUR 803.6 million.”

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The Lloyd’s Expert: “If a person has covered the best functions or features of the range, it may be that he is now turning into a security-friendly person. This eliminates the risk and gives away premium offers.” Most promises and professions are of interest to the British version of Lloyd’s, which has a special hat.

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“The entire insurance value is based on a complex calculation model,” so the GDV speaker. “The game of football is German. I am responsible for the economic sciences of the ‘Centre for Economics and Business Research’ of the player in peace by Lloyd’s. It is no longer possible to play at the moment with a game in the Clubs, under the advertising delays, which are Alter, your Position and Nationality. Therefore the insurance summary is calculated. The fictional football match is also a game that plays a game as a professional footballer, but it is no longer possible to play. “

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The GDV Speaker: “Yes, you can abstain from an individual risk. Aber nicht mit der art hohen Versicherungssummen. A change and a comprehensive approach sums up the basics in a healthy way so that the risks are taken into account. So if you want to buy a house with a listing of more millions of euros, when the house is now worth a hundred euros. It is likely that it is different from cooking or function functions.

The expert in the field of normal business, who can provide for a fall or the enjoyment of the labor force, is a classic accident insurance or a professional incompetence insurance. Was the man in this case an insurance? Jan Blumenthal von Lloyd’s: “About 1000 euros! The scale above is insulted and extreme individual you after risk and versatile capital.”