
Vita 34 setzt positive Trend im ersten Halbjahr 2024 fort and scaffolds operative Cash flow erneut deutlich

Vita 34 setzt positive Trend im ersten Halbjahr 2024 fort and scaffolds operative Cash flow erneut deutlich

EQS News: Vita 34 AG / Schlagwort(e): Halbjahresergebnis/Halbjahresbericht

Vita 34 setzt positive Trend im ersten Halbjahr 2024 fort and scaffolds operative Cash flow erneut deutlich

30.08.2024 / 07:00 CET/CEST
Inhaling the Mitteilung is the Issuer / Herausgeber responsible.

Vita 34 setzt positive Trend im ersten Halbjahr 2024 fort and scaffolds operative Cash flow erneut deutlich

  • Umsatzerlöse steigen im first Halbjahr een 4.9 Prozent auf 38.0 Mio. €
  • EBITDA of 76.4 Prozent of 2.7 Mio. EUR erhöht
  • Operator Cashflow of 4.3 million. EUR deutlich supported
  • View for the Gesamtjahr 2024 bestätigt

Leipzig, August 30, 2024 – The Vita 34 AG, the founded Zellbank in Europe and the great prosperity, which has continued its Geschäftsentwicklung in Halbjahr 2024 and the second quarter in the following years, is a Wachstum erzielt. Trotz des nach wie für schwierigen gesamtwirtschaftlichen Umfelds is dependent on the Unternehmen, their Ergebnisse and the operational Cashflow deutlich zu scaffolden.

Die Umsatzerlöse increase im first half yearr a 4.9 Prozent auf 38.0 Mio. Euro (H1 2023: EUR 36.3 million), during the last quarter of a year, a period of 6.0 years has passed. The Nettosumme in Rechnung gestellter Leistungen im Endkundengeschäft (B2C) lagged behind at 35.9 million. EUR 13.1 Prozent über dem Vorjahreswert (H1 2023: EUR 31.7 million). This is one of the many costs that resulted in a delay of 11.0 million in revenues. EUR 8.1 Prozent über dem Vorjahreswert (H1 2023: EUR 10.1 million). I know that the number of new products gives a hint to the investments back, which has a selective market for Romania, Switzerland and the GCC region right in itself. Let’s improve once again its attractiveness as a forest region with German Swiss forest rates and a significant improvement the financial assets. It may be that the expansion after the expansion of the display is strong and even further. Parallel to the positive trend that inflation brings during the inflation and the higher production of products, the market was in most cases a market in the future.

The return on investments, taxes and deductions (EBITDA) lagged behind at EUR 2.7 million. EUR 76.4 percent above the previous year’s value (H1 2023: EUR 1.6 million). The EBITDA margin subsequently expanded further and is now at 7.2 percent, a figure of 4.3 percent above the previous year. The idea of ​​an external partner is to increase the cost base and how to realize the costs, the longer the post-merger integration will be scrapped. The consolidation of subsidiary companies could provide more services, while the synergies within the Group would continue. The lower cost base in sweating a quarter of the costs is that we can all count on the fresh establishment of the main traffic and can expect a higher cost of the rights to the case with the Lizenzstreit in the American zurückzuführen.

The basic knowledge of history is presented by:

IFRS, in TEUR Q2 Q2 H1 H1 H1
2024 2023 2024 2023
Cumbersome 19,473 18,365 38,030 36,269 4.9%
Gross profit 7,130 6,740 14,093 12,421 13.5%
1,187 1,279 2,735 1,551 76.4%
EBITDA margin 6.1% 7.0% 7.2% 4.3% 2.9 percent
-1,072 -921 -1,735 -2,734 36.5%
Period energy -1,745 -1,183 -2,367 -4,224 44.0%
Result is your action (in EUR) -0.10 -0.07 -0.13 -0.25 48.0%
Operating cash flow 4,315 2,899 48.8%
Liquid Medium
(vs. 31.12.2023)
14,443 17,416 -17.1%

The solid investment and performance development is reflected in one of the more positive results of the operating cash flows. With EUR 4.3 million, this increased by 48.8 percent in the previous year (H1 2023: EUR 2.9 million). There can be no question of an attempt to carry out an assessment due to a higher fragility after the postponement of the presentation of that development at. By the year in which one of the previous sports reports of the extension has started, a positive trend is predicted.

The CDMO has started a new strategy for the development of the new strategy for that area. The view of the future is for the further development of the debts in the two years. In the area of ​​​​the zell- and gene therapies a Vereinbarung with the US-Lizenzgeber has been reached. The new Know-how-Lizenz-delay is in the context of a universal technology and know-how, which by Lizenzgeber a FamiCordTx and PBKM-overtragen were. The know-how that the CAR-T technology offers, is specialized in adapting projects, and sees new market conditions by FamiCordTx and PBKM in the fall of a commercial use or a sale of a milestone payment vor.

Before the background of the positive development in the half-year relationship to the forecast for the total year 2024 took place. EUR at an EBITDA of 6.5 and 8.0 Mio. EUR out. The forecast is based on a constant exchange rate of the euro that the Polish zloty and other currencies (HUF, RON, TRY, GBP) will generate in the summer of April 29, 2024.

The Board of Vita 34 AG has opened institutional investors, analysts and press conferences at 2:00 p.m. in a video conference for very good explanations for business integration for implementation. The registration takes place by e-mail via the Investor Relations Department ((email address)).

Vita 34 AG
Investor Relations
Phone: +49 (0341) 487920
E-mail: (email protected)

Company Profile

Vita 34 was founded in 1997 in Leipzig and is the best that has become with the founded Zellbank in Europe and the great prosperity. As the first private Nabelschnurblutbank Europes and pioneer in Zellbanking offers the company a full-service provider for the cryoconservation of the Entnahmelogistik, Verhaetingung and Lagerung of stem cells at Nabelschnurblut, Nabelschnurgewebe and other postnatal Geweben. Construction of the production of models after the Fusion with PBKM factory in the company, in Zell- and Genetherapies and CDMO to invest. Body-own Zellen are a consumable for the medical Zelltherapy and were brought into life in the moist air by the combustion of dust. Our cattle in 50 countries have been produced with 1 Million Einheiten single-layered biological materials at Vita 34 for the health of their families.

30.08.2024 CET/CEST Release of a corporate news/financial report, information provided by EQS News – a service of EQS Group AG.
Inhaling the Mitteilung is the Issuer / Herausgeber responsible.

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