
It was essentially sollten, to unseren Planeten zu retten

It was essentially sollten, to unseren Planeten zu retten

Wissenschaftler for the people on a “Planetary Health Diet” (that is, the planetary health diet) to be healthy, so that the world will be healthy, after which a message will be developed, until 2050 probably 10 billion people will be born, including the planets zerstören. That “immense Herausforderung” for the human world in “Healthy diets from sustainable food systems” (Gesunde Ernährung aus nachhaltigen Nahrungsmittelsystemen) beschrieben, das von der EAT-Lancet-Kommission veröffentlicht.

Click as you go through the Gallery and find her, it was an essential thing, it’s so hard to do!

Gesunde Ernährung aus nachhaltigen Lebensmittelsystemen

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Gesunde Ernährung aus nachhaltigen Lebensmittelsystemen

A report from the EAT Lancet Commission has reported on the sustainable food systems that warn of the “inhumane challenge”, which is very important for human health.

World Trade Forum

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World Trade Forum

The initiative is supported by the Weltwirtschaftsforum. The organization wants to follow a “Planetary Health Diet” (etwa planetarische gezondheidsgezondheid), a world that is good.

The Day

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The Day

The Planetary Health Diet is being incorporated into a program in Essen, a fragment of the beans, which will take 10 million people in 2050, the planet will still exist.


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EAT is a global, multi-use foundation, the von der Stordalen Foundation, the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Wellcome Trust were established. If you see that there is a transformation of the food system, it becomes catalyzing.

Global initiative

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Global initiative

EAT brings together a partner from Wissenschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft and Zivilgesellschaft, to create an urgent and radical change for growth in 2050.

More Innovations

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More Innovations

These are: the world is healthy, schmackhafte and nachhaltige ernährung umstellen; Ernährungssystemprioritäten for People and the Planets new directions; Production of more targeted products from fewer sources; das Land und de Ozeane-schützen; Radically reduce nuisance and diversion.

The reissue

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The reissue

It is an unhealthy situation, which “causes damage to the Earth, while changing transportation, essence and life,” the message said.

What was good and bad?

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What was good and bad?

Darüber said “it could be a spark of a lifelong bad luck for our general health”.


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Wissenschaftler glauben, which had its refinancing, was man in essence, one of the most important things man could do, the Planetary Health Diet should exist.

What can we do?

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What can we do?

Was it possible that as single individuals the prosperity of the planets would be secure in 2050? Nach Ansicht von Wissenschaftlern ist das Folgende, was man isst – and who is man – um all nachhaltig zu ernähren …

A little bit of research

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A little bit of research

You can eat a beef burger for a week.

Small portions

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Small portions

Aber here is the Einschränkung: “The one that has the best variation in western diets is the freshness of the meat, with a weight of 14 g per tag being reduced, was 30 calories inspricht. Dies inspricht etwa einem großen Bissen eines Loinsteaks”, heißt es im Message .

Flexitarianism is the answer

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Flexitarianism is the answer

More interesting work from the EAT-Lancet Commission is a shift towards flexitarianism as well as towards vegetarianism or veganism: “Many mediation groups are increasingly comfortable using a different method, and it can be easy to mix all the mixtures and micro-substances from the air to obtain nutritional substances.”

Swim per week fishing

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Swim per week fishing

You can have two portions of fish per week. Fish, a most waspish component of Japanese and Asian diets, will comprise only 28 g of the quota recommended by the Commission.

One egg or two?

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One egg or two?

The Verzehr von einen zuwei Eiern ist die empfohlene wöchentliche Verzehrmenge der Kommission.

Daily milk

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Daily milk

If you want to drink a glass of milk…

More cheese, bite

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More cheese, bite

…or jeden Tag was Käse essen.

Greifen Sie zu Hülsenfrüchten

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Greifen Sie zu Hülsenfrüchten

Hülsenfrüchte, zu denen Bohnen, Linsen und Erbsen heard, sollten de größten Teil Ihrer Proteinzufuhr ausmachen.


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Nuts, especially walnuts, almonds, haselnuts and cashews, are one of the good ingredients for protein, fiber and healthy fat.

Largest portion

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Largest portion

A few pieces of the main part of the meal have been removed from the oven, with half of the heart – 300 g per Tag.

Looking ahead with the strength

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Looking ahead with the strength

The Commission is said to have said that these large gemstones, some cards and cassava – a staple food in African countries – will now be sold at 50g per Tag.

Smallest portion

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Smallest portion

Gesättigte Fette with oil sollten with nur 11.8 g the minimum time for a meal.

Fruit salad

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Fruit salad

Die Halfte jeder Mahlzeit sollte Obst jeglicher Art sein …


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…and a Drittel is completely filled with food.

Forbidden Deadfall

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Forbidden Deadfall

A solche Ernährung würde beef 11 Millionen Todesfälle pro Jahr verhindern. Dies entspricht 19-24% alle Todesfälle bij Erwachsenen, so das Weltwirtschaftsforum.

Healthy lifestyle

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Healthy lifestyle

The Einhaltung der Empfehlungen der Kommission würde dazu beitragen, ernährungsbedingte Erkrankungen wie Herzinfarkte, Schlaganfälle and Krebs zu verringern.

Healthy planet

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Healthy planet

It is possible that global warming will help to overcome this.

Treehouse gas

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Treehouse gas

Prepared in the year 2006 as a UN guideline for the end, meat production is responsible for 18% of gas emissions – more than means of transport!

Protection of the animal world

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Protection of the animal world

The following of the EAT guidelines was carried out for the protection of our wild animals. The Commission strives for a policy of zero-extinction of new agricultural surfaces in the natural ecosystem and the art world, the food supply system dies in the mainstream for the enjoyment of biological nature.

Weakening of the living space

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Weakening of the living space

Die Rodung von Land für den Bau von Kulturpflanzen zrstört Lebensräume.

A warning

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A warning

In the EAT-Lancet-Message it is clear: “Undesired recovery is a significant factor for Morbidity and Mortality. Schlimmer as ungeschützter Geschlechtsverkehr, Alcohol as well as Drying and Tobacco Missammen.”

Time to act

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Time to act

What about your essence, which world is clean and our planets are no longer clean?

Also interesting: Those 30 best superfoods!