
Die GDR, die plötzlich away war! Try out Hanka Rackwitz Zwangssstörungen

Die GDR, die plötzlich away war! Try out Hanka Rackwitz Zwangssstörungen

South Africa – “Die Zwänge habe ich entwickelt, als die Wende kam”: Hanka Rackwitz (55) speak in Jungle camp firstly about the Grund ihrer Zwangsstörungen. And it was the sudden revival of the GDR that was so bad.

Hanka Rackwitz (55) reports about his pregnancy.

Hanka Rackwitz (55) reports on his pregnancy. © RTL

“Wir hatten wunderbare Lebensmittel: Brot, Milch, Äpfel, Kartoffeln, Tomaten – everything was clean and sauber”, early 55 years of life with the ebenfalls Dresden-born Eric Stehfest (35) zu teilen.

If you have some kind of war, you can experience the nightly attacks of the GDR “against all odds”.

There is no peace about the Wende. I was scared, I hated fear. I knew that all my plans for my life were nevertheless hindfällig. Anyway, I didn’t know anyway, but I still knew that I wouldn’t know it. For me it is a widely shared world.”

Dschungelcamp: Dschungelcamp-Girls brechen miteinander: "Geht's nor? I war so much in the Alten!"
Jungle camp
Dschungelcamp-Girls brechen miteinander: “Geht’s noch? I was so nett zu der Alten!”

The Schlimmste für Hanka war: “Dieses Land gibt es ja nicht mehr, du kannst da nicht more zurück. I have completely lost my Wurzeln.” Die Berichterstattungen in Fernsehen, die in Züge gen Westen drängenden Menschen, “das war so erniedrigend, ich habe es gehasst”, said he was heute.

You've had 95 percent of the time you've been in the air in 55 years.

You’ve had 95 percent of the time you’ve spent in the air in 55 years. © RTL

When time began, my life and living began to develop. When buying new English West goods “I had fear that someone would reinetan the gift”.

If this Grund is no longer the first article in the Regal, it will be worth sweating. “While the wars of the four in the empire took place, the war was indicated and the war could no longer last a war, but my war was no longer so real.”

So I have slowly and slowly started a Chain of Angst and Unsightliness, “which is so quickly compacted, that I can cope with the water in my Leipzig living environment and not more in my unterwäsche kam. Straße, meine Wohnung nicht verlassen 90 Prozent des Tages Todesangst, obwohl thein normaler Verstand weiß, thatss keine Gefahr besteht”, erzählt that frühere “Mieten, kaufen, wohnen”-Maklerin.

Jungle Camp: So here it comes "Legends-Climb Camp" with the fans and
Jungle camp
So come with the “Legends-Dschungelcamp” for the fans

Since then, the “struggle for survival” has begun. Before you spend your time returning to professional life, you can work as a kitchen assistant in a guesthouse 15 kilometers from my home in Mücheln (Saxony-Anhalt) in Freyburg, or do some work in a hotel.

Eric Stehfest is exemplified by Hankas Geschichte: “A piece is tragic. I wish I would have lost it and these wounds could be healed!”

“I am a Star – Showdown of the Movie Legends” said RTL at 8:15 PM. Bee RTL+ tag all of the following jewelry for TV broadcasts in the stream.