
Überlebenskampf in Wyoming: Demokraten stehen voor der Bedeutungslosigkeit

Überlebenskampf in Wyoming: Demokraten stehen voor der Bedeutungslosigkeit

In Wyoming, the American federal state is under attack from the dominance of the Republicans. Donald Trump, who is fighting here with the vast majority of the American and federal states, cannot improve this progress any further. A new decision was now the party of the party, the situation for the Democrats had changed. This message is “AP”. “Normaler is only with the eyes and the road, we will be a lost camp and the mir dem voll bewusst bin be”, says the democrat Becky Blackburn. You live in Niobrara County in Wyoming.

While the Republican is the most attractive option in Idaho, Utah and Wyoming, the Democratic Hochburg becomes a lot easier. In the capital Washington DC, 77 percent of the Democratic voters are active. Breathitt County in Kentucky traditionally comes in at 79 percent Democrats, although in 2020 75 percent of the voters voted for Trump – an indicator that party support is not reflected in the broader vote.

Democrats on the run

Niobrara County establishes with only 2.6 percent registrations Democrats under her aus. In 2012 there were still 83 Democrats here, 2004 sogar 139. The decline reflects the general trend of the Party in the American country wider. With the “NBC” message, many Democrats change their registration, to choose in the republican selection. “You feel bad, when you are not. When power is over power and it is so comfortable, a man will not get republican posts, called Blackburn. If this practice stops, the parliament is a representative of the party, which is part of the three months before the August-last period.

In the province of Niobrara there are no Democrats for an Amt. Again for the Wyoming House of Representatives nor for the Bezirksrat. Becky Blackburn, proud of political isolation, will remark: “I am, I am, I am, I have die Ansichten, die I habe. If all goes well, life goes on or not.”