
Speech of the AfD zu häuslicher Gewalt in the Kreistag-entgleist

Speech of the AfD zu häuslicher Gewalt in the Kreistag-entgleist

Man can never have a problem, the fact that he played the AfD in the Kreistag of the Main-Taunus-Kreises could be his first time. Consider the daily Fraktion faction, one of the reasons why you can make a speech with a certain time, is more reholten geschichtlichen analogue.

Its own opposition force with two seats is the largest and most networked Linke, which is in the Sitzung zu Wort connection, with strong support and a strong job power, namely the Labor of the governing coalition of the CDU, Greens and FDP crucial in the hinterfragen and you will be a little on the nerves of your life.

If I have an Antrag contribution to the SPD, the Gewalt in the Kreis will deal with reporting the AfD in person of Abgeordneten Peter Biedermann with Wort. One of the first things that ever happened in 2014 happened, and you’ll want to know, that we were once gone. Man habe Personen ins Land gelassen, die Respect gegenüber Frauen vermissen ließen. The argument couldn’t be more complex. Zwischenrufen aus dem Plenum started with the previous ‘political correctness’.

Gewalt tegen Frauen berifft jede Schicht

On the spot of the Stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden des Kreistags und Stadtverordnetenvorsteherin von Kelkheim, Julia Ostrowicki (SPD), der Kragen. As Rednerpult he paints in his life, he wonders with a curvaceous father and the Umzug in a Frauenhaus, when he lives for years in the war. “Das berifft us all, jede Schicht”, say it. Man must be very ashamed, when party politics auf dem Rücken der Frauen became ausgetragen.

This is the day of the official administrative law of the Federal Criminal Law Office, which is legally binding: Gewalt tegen Frauen betrifft jede Schicht. There is often a question of familial mitgliedern aus. An even greater development is politically motivated. “The ultimate gift of sacrifice and support is the German State’s responsibility,” he said.

Julia Ostrowicki says about the anger: “I have a problem with the fact that an AfD speech is not the end result of the Ausländer’s fault.” If you are a Zuwanderer, you are also welcome.

After Ostrowicki reported, Redner stayed more. If the SPD takes up the fight against abstimmung in the capital and financial sector, the woman is unable to do business with her, so who is in the democratic Gremien üblich ist.