
x-cardiac and Dräger collaborate, um KI in der Intensive Medizin voranzubringen

x-cardiac and Dräger collaborate, um KI in der Intensive Medizin voranzubringen

Berlin/Lübeck (OTS) –

Die x-cardiac GmbH, a Vorreiter in the field of digital health care and spin-off of the German Herzzentrums van Charité en der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Dräger Medical Deutschland GmbH, a specialist for the Akutversorgung, verkünden ihre Zusammenarbeit, um the Anwendung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in der Intensivmedicin voranzutreiben.

This Partnership will focus on innovative technology for innovative and personalized personal development at the intensive stations they develop. During the KI-basierte-vorhersagemodel, the recommendations for the correct judgment and prognosis of healthcare for the further procedure can be adjusted.

“While the doctors work with Dräger together with the KI-basierte Lösungen, the medical personal treatment is in intensive education,” says Oliver Höppner, CEO and Mitgründer of x-cardiac GmbH. “Diese Partnerschaft is an effective working organization for patient care and concern in the Hand of Ärzten and Pflegekräften of legends.”

“It is possible to have a positive experience with x-cardiac surgery in medical AI,” says Werner Frenz, Leitung Marketing Segment Hospital. “With the wollen operation with practice-oriented AI basic solutions, which provide a real boost to patient care in the intensive stationary beets. Dadurch wollen will smile about it, clinical processes will be easier and for all of them zu machen.”

Uber x-cardiac GmbH

x-cardiac is a digital education university and a spin-off of the German Herzzcenter Berlin and the Charitable University of Berlin. Through the use of AI technology, there is postoperative treatment for hertz patients and their treatment. More information can be found at

Uber Dräger

Dräger is an international pharmaceutical industry of the Medicine and Security Technology. There are no more products, no more products and no more products. 1889 gründet, erzielte Dräger 2023 weltweit einen Umsatz von rund 3.4 Billion. Euro. The Lübecker Unternehmen is present in more than 190 Ländern-vertreten and is home to more than 16,000 workers and workers. Die Dräger Medical Deutschland GmbH is a Vertriebs- und Servicegesellschaft met flächendeckender Präsenz on the German Market. More information can be found at