
Ex-Mitarbeiter wehrt sich nach Pleite

«Jensen’s Food Lab»: Ex-Mitarbeiter wartet immer noch auf Geld – spezieller Aufruf soll ihm nown helfen

Ali Husseini works for the Fast-Food-Lokale der Geissepeter GmbH through the advocates of Wettinger Gastrounternehmers Robin Deb Jensen. The end of the week has become a competitive event. Who is Husseini now in our home country?

Kümmerte has been a guest for many years at «Jensen's Food Lab» on Haselstrasse in Baden. Ali Husseini worked as a Koch, Servicemitarbeiter and Kurier.

Kümmerte has been a guest for many years at «Jensen’s Food Lab» on Haselstrasse in Baden. Ali Husseini worked as a Koch, Servicemitarbeiter and Kurier.

Image: Sibylle Egloff Francisco

“It’s been a whole year since I’ve seen a girl who never existed,” Ali Husseini said. “When I wasn’t so happy, I became so happy. If my chef keeps me in mind, then I won’t be passionate about it.”

The Rede is by Robin Deb Jensen. Der Wettinger Gastrounternehmer is involved with the Geissepeter GmbH from 2017 to Anfang 2023 to zwolf Restaurants in the Baden region and in Aargau. You can go to the Burger- and Hotdog-Kette «Jensen’s Food Lab» with branches in Untersiggenthal, in Baden on Mellingerstrasse and Haselstrasse.

Ali Husseini worked in Letzterer from December 2021 to November 2022 as a Koch and Allrounder. Bis heute soll ihm sein Ex-Chef letztes Monatsgehalt von brutto 4200 Franken same two weeks Überstunden nicht ausbezahlt haben.

Husseini is not one of the only problems. Before a few years of power was a great power collegiate in public opinion, while die Zeitung erzählten, was a broader war. If you place a bet, you can commit drivers and an offense that takes up to 30,000 Francs.

Jensen fights damals on Anfrage, that is only Ex-Mitarbeitende tatsächlich nor Geld zugute hätten. “I have closed off a large part of my private life. Ein solches Ende tut mir für meine Mitarbeiter von Herzen led», said there. Für Fragen zu Forderungen im actualellen Fall verweist Jensen op Anfrage und Konkursamt Aargau. Zudem writes there: “The pandemic and the following developments are of the Geissepeter GmbH, which must set the soft drink until the end of 2022.”

Concourses are completed at the end of the week

In August 2023, the Geissepeter CEO of the Konkurs company reported. The competition is now no longer valid, but the Gläubiger does not fall on October 26.

Husseini is one of those glasses. There is a problem, but it does not take longer in delivery to earn more. Darum itself is not active. Mithilfe a friend has spent an amount on the crowdfunding platform GoFundMe that has been started. Das Ziel ist, 4200 Franken zu sammeln. «That is the truth about the compensation that you receive from your parents and your family,» he says.

Falls on October 26. The money is spent during the period when Husseini can imagine, the costs you have to incur, a breakthrough in the competition for desire, this is a bankruptcy crisis. «Ob ich die tatsächlich bekomme, weisss ich aber nicht.»

Dies, we will now have Jensen more money and have enjoyed his money for a long time. “I have had no objections to the insolvency scheme. Robin knew, he has no rights protection and the institution as Ausländer has no kenne. That is good, said Husseini.

A new Stelle mit seriösem Chef gefunden

There may be a schlussstrich that sees a Kapitel. Mittlerweile worker is a handsome boy like Koch in Sursee. «I am very happy with my new set. My Chef is nett – and ganz wichtig: There is seriousness,” said Husseini and laughed. Seinem Humor cannot support this guiding idea.

«Trotz dieser Rückschläge bebe ich nicht auf. If I learned German and saw my other images, I could make a new start in Switzerland and see a Zukunft-aufbauen here.” The crowdfunding can no longer be carried out.

A novice started the advocacy of a Geissepeter CEO. Jensen immersed Zelte in Wettingen and verlassen in the Baden region. There is jetzt in a Swiss ski area in a hotel as a host family.