
Who can make a Corona outbreak of BSW?

Who can make a Corona outbreak of BSW?

Behördenfehler and Behördenmitarbeiter

Auch Stefan Wogawa, a general political speaker of the BSW and an expert candidate for a mitgliedschaft in the negotiation sauce, who is competing in the fight against the Corona pandemic in Thuringia. Wogawa War from 2017 to 2024 Referent in the Thuringian Social and Health Ministry (TMASGFF).

The pandemic of the pandemic is a reference to 4B1 equipment, which goes together with “Krankenhauswesen, Bevölkerungsschutz und E-Health”. The Ministerium writes on the Anfrage: “The Mental Health Referral is a central referendum on the management of the pandemic and over the joint Zeitraum extremely burdened.”

Wogawas Referat hat unter other Krankenhausbetten cordiniert, Beatmungsgeräte beschafft, Impfstoffe in Krankenhäusern communications and Kontakt mit Experten contentn.

Fragen and those ehemaligen Chefs?

People, at that time inside and outside the health ministries with Stefan Wogawa, you will see that it is unacceptable to recognize the consequences. Allerdingen: Sein Wechsel in active politics and a prominent role in the corona crisis are organized when manching for the world: “Ich würde Herrn Wogawa heute was einmal tief in de Augen gucken.”

Solche Sätze has fallen, when the Eindruck starts, the BSW will see the ehemals Verantwortlichen zur Rechenschaft. The BSW and the Wogawa talk about the “trade administration” and the Minister of Health for a supposedly unhealthy sauce that is bullshit.

It is one of the best things: Wogawa would make one of the most critical comments as Ausschussmitglied, with the fact that it itself is an option to collaborate. It is a theoretical conceivable, it is itself a major infringement.

A subordinate sauceschuss is not a goal

Fraglich ist everything, was “protected” properly bedeutet. A subordinate sauceschuss is a political Gremium and not a goal. I think that it is not rules for the tax, which are a richter or more targeted Sachverständigen.