
One of the great Erzähler unserer Zeit — der Freitag

One of the great Erzähler unserer Zeit — der Freitag

Leonardo Padura


Eigentlich hatte der 1955 Havana-born Autor Leonardo Padura started his career as a journalist: After the absence of the Latin American Institutes in Havana, he wrote in time for the newspaper The Cayman Barbudo. Three years ago there were roads in “ideological problems” in newspapers Youth rebels.

Kaal gehörten seine Reportage about most of the people in Kuba, perhaps deshalb, weil is ich nicht scheute, auch entlegene and unbequeme Themen aufzugreifen. After 1989 the exhibition follows as Chief Editor at the Kulturzeitschrift The Gaceta of Cuba.

The Crime Novel Blessings Havana Quartets since Leonardo Padura is now a Vorwand, one of the Kubanische Gesellschaft of erzählen, and the Gewissen blessing generation one of the Prüfung they have looked at. No dem Havana Quartet, As international power expands, Roman history is illuminated more with collected publications and reports. Before my work was carried out in Cuba and an international part of the world, other prizes were awarded with the Spanish Premio Hammett in 2012 with the Cuban State Prize Nacional de Literatura de Cuba. 2015 is the Spanish Prinzessin-von-Asturien-Preis in der Sparte Literatur, 2023 the Pepe Carvalho Preis.

Leonardo Padura lived in Kuba.

Peter Kultzen


Peter Kultzenborn 1962 in Hamburg, studied Romanist and Germanist in Munich, Salamanca, Madrid and Berlin. There is a freer Lektor and Übersetzer Spanish- and Portuguese-language Literature in Berlin.