
UniDoc inherits Criteria for a Partnership with a US-Telekommunikationsgesellschaft in the S&P500

UniDoc inherits Criteria for a Partnership with a US-Telekommunikationsgesellschaft in the S&P500

IRW-PRESS: UniDoc Health Corp.: UniDoc is based on the criteria for a partnership with a S&P500 relationship with US-Telekommunikationsgesellschaft

Ziel ist de gemeinsame Entwicklung und Präsentation KI-gestützter E-Health-Angebote für de Kunden von TelCo

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, September 09, 2024 / IRW-Press / UniDoc Health Corp. (CSE: UDOC) (FRA: L7T) (OTCQB: UDOCF) (UniDoc or the Company), an innovator in e-health, is pleased to announce that the Company has secured the right to a partnership with one of the major U.S. companies and telecommunications companies (TelCo). This partnership is designed to integrate TelCo’s communications services with UniDoc’s enhanced e-health platform, one of TelCo’s global health providers.

See the Partnership:

– Collaboration: UniDoc and TelCo strive for a combination of product launches and patient loyalty and the efficiency of the doctor in health care that is optimized.

– Integriertes Serviceangebot: The Partnership diet darauf ab, a loose anzubites, the Telemedizin-Services with a strong Network and Communication Platforms combined.

– Through AI optimization of healthcare: The installation of UniDoc AI technology with the data analysis, which enables a price and preventive healthcare with rapid diagnosis and treatment options, is solved.

Antonio Baldassarre, CEO of UniDoc, has taken the next step: This Zustimmung zur Partnership is an exciting first step in our company with TelCo. During the combination of E-Health solutions with TelCo’s communication infrastructure, you can get more information about the care for patient care in the US. This initiative is no longer a potent market place, but concerns our commitment to the representation of the health services during the railway breaking technology.

If the external network is investigated, TelCo’s 5G network will be used, a problem that UniDoc’s E-Health solution will provide and be implemented in TelCo’s network. A secure and integrated communication is separated from UniDoc’s Zielsetzung, where no health service is offered, but is taught for an uninterrupted population groups with mangelnder traditional health infrastructure.

Possibility of integration of TelCo’s best health platforms with UniDoc’s solution on a new level and a personalized care guide; it is so that the patient gets a part of his life, if he is proactive in his partner’s own hands. These service souls will undergo the patient treatment during the time and more soulful interventions that transform, while the real time and the medical follow-up will continue.

The Sister Immung of the Partnership is the first Schritt of a Beziehung Swiss TelCo and dem Unternehmen; It is the best choice if you are a partner for the Entwicklung bzw. jointly the development of products from the external and telco functions. This means that the members of the Partnership cannot use any Vereinbarung bzw. not a single agreement of terms, which are for the Unternehmen-vorteilhaft or profitable sind, results.

For the Board of Directors,

~Antonio Baldassare~

Antonio Baldassare

CEO, President & Director

UniDoc Health Corp.

Uber UniDoc Health Corp. (CSE: UDOC) (FWB: L7T) (OTCQB: UDOCF)

UniDoc has developed an E-Health solution, which as its own standard in a private kiosk conzipiert, could help the patients a umfassende consultation, if they would choose a certain practice. E-Health comes with a larger part of the care, of the care, of the experience or of the online computer technology with a professional cooperation. The external system is an overarching function, the physical system is a separate aspect of the business connections. UniDoc is the best solution to achieve an inner development by the Bereitstellung of a number of products and an expanded network of shareholder value that is generated. The UniDoc team has contact with each other, fragments and interests. You can not contact another and another interesting alternative, a website at that you can consult and search in our information, a new information with active information about your activities, veranstalten and fortifications that you can perform.

Click here to find out more about:

UniDoc Investor Relations

Phone: +1 778.383.6731

Email address: [email protected]

Matt Chatterton, Director

Phone: +1 778.613.2082

Email address: [email protected]

Media inquiries directed to: [email protected]

Future-oriented excursions

These press conferences and information broadcasts, which do not contain historical data, aim to provide information in the right way. Business-oriented information can provide financial and other forecasts based on specific plans, see whether economic activities or diesen zukünftige Annahmen are inhalten. In een aantal gevallen is een zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen an Begriffen wie kann, würde, könnte, wird, wird sein, wahrscheinlich, außer, antizipieren, glauben, beabsichtigen, planen, prognostizieren, projizieren, schätzen, Ausblick of derren Verneinung oder anderen ähnlichen Ausdrücken zu kenmerken , which If you stock up, no historical facts will be drawn up. Bespiele voor solche Aussagen since a Aussagen in Bezug auf de Partnerschaft zwischen dem Unternehmen en TelCo, the functionality of the community with TelCo to carry this out pflegeplattform, that the Partnerschaft with TelCo the Patientenversorgung erweitern and the Unternehmenswert scaffolden wird, that the Partnerschaft with TelCo das Unternehmen bij de Bereitstellung seiner Lösungen auf der ganzen Welt unterstützen wird and dass die Gesundheitslösungen des Unternehmens de global Kunden von TelCo angeboten were.

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