
Wien-Chef: Ludwig pushes labor market offensive for the whole of Austria

Wien-Chef: Ludwig pushes labor market offensive for the whole of Austria

The foundation of the most important works council and the money in the AMS budget are setting the Wiens mayor Michael Ludwig on a “labor market offensive” for the entire country.

WIEN. This is one of the reasons that this is a problem with labor loss. At the end of July, more than 341,000 people had reported indebtedness to AMS. This is in the context of July 2017, a Plus of more than 31,100 persons (Plus of zehn Prozent). The employment rate, which was 6.4 percent, was 0.5 percent more.

Anyway, the AMS could be increased by a budget of 90 million euros. The budget is idiosyncratic when it comes to herbs, but it is a fact that the national government has suspended the budget. The AMS goes from a minus of 6.2 percent.

These Zahlen sorgen jetzt dafür, dass Wien-Chef Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) Maßnahmen seitens der Bundesregierung fordert. If there is an active Arbeitsmarktpolitik, a man on the Arbeitsplatz can earn more money.

“I hope for an Austrian-wide offensive, for all that is not in the fight, will take into account the qualification of the Fachkräftemangels and bring them to the labor market”, writes Ludwig on X. There is a small accusation in Vienna, which is so good. Etwa the Job Offensive “50plus”, with the man until the end of June 2,724, the long term loses vermitteln konnte.

Money for education in Vienna

At the program “Jobs Plus Ausbildung” offers work for Viennese women and Viennese for the incomes in the job that offers appropriate free Ausbildung and increasing the money of the Ausbildung money for the life of the day. You get an amount of 1,400 euros from the city and then a permanent job.

The budget is idiosyncratic when it comes to herbs, but it is a fact that the national government has suspended the budget. The AMS is out of a minus of 6.2 percent. | Photo: Weingartner-Foto /

“If the democracy of society has a chance of a hopeless situation – no longer on the labor market, but in Bildung, Gesundheit and Wohnen. Therefore it is important, the SPÖ is founded at the National Council”, he is the end of Ludwig.

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