
Varels Mayor warns against unwritten texts

Varels Mayor warns against unwritten texts

The St. John’s Hospital in Varel is still unknown. A possible Fusion of the Friesland-Kliniken with Wilhelmshaven wirft Fragen auf. Bürgermeister Wagner was skeptical.

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Varel/Friesland – How is the St. John’s Hospital Varel noch eine Zukunft? Whether the Krankenhaus in the city is basically for the Aus? A fragment, the moment when a woman died. If the Möglichkeit is in Raum, then the Klinik is a Tages that Türen für immer schließen wird, sollten the Krankenhäuser Sande, Varel and Wilhelmshaven zu einem großen Krankenhaus fusionieren – ohne Außenstellen.

Possible collaboration?

Who reports, heard the St.-Johannes-Hospital community with the Krankenhaus in Sande zu den Fryslân-Kliniken and is active in the Hand of the Landkreises Fryslân. Nun could help one of the two Krankenhäuser in the Klinikum Wilhelmshaven in Raum. The Kreisausschuss has itself been prepared for a possible cooperation “in a nor zu bestimmenden Rechtsform unter gemeinsamer kommunaler Tragerschaft” ausgesprochen. If this is done in the description, a project project is grounded, while the gegebenenfalls possibly one of the gemeinsummaries is resolved. Sprich: It is so that the journey can begin. Das Wort Fusion is not clear.

Well done

Dennoch: These Soul Structures will be taught and tested during an unannounced Gutachten a Machbarkeitsstudie with an uninterrupted Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a possible Standortoptionen in the Hinblick on a surrounding Versorgung der Regio, a best Ressourcenbün it is not the intention that investments are made and that the investments in the financial reforms work through claim. It is one of the other things that are a cost-effective – all for the development of the plant projects in Wilhelmshaven to utilize the location in Sande and Varel.

Varels Bürgermeister skeptical

The Beschluss des Kreisusschusses will be held on Wednesday, August 21, in an öffentlichen Sondersitzung, starting at 2:30 PM in Bürgerhaus Schortens, Weserstraße 1. One of the many stories spread by the Sitzung is Varel’s Bürgermeister Gerd-Christian Wagner. For the biggest party: “Bei all consultations zur Zukunft unserer Krankenhäuser muss die medizische Versorgung des Südkreises Fryslân Berücksichtigung. Good medical care for people in South Friesland became the Standorte Sande and Wilhelmshaven, the largest of the 50,000 people in Richtung Westerstede and Oldenburg in the rest of the world. A single solution with three Gewinner habits – Varel, Sande and Wilhelmshaven.”

Exit strategy important

And further: “There was a big Fusion strategy, which made a big skeptical impression on the question, which the future corporate and social structure with all its legs of separation should exit. I am however fundamentally convinced. Where I would find an exit strategy is that a million euros does not get into trouble.”

The Nordwest-Krankenhaus in Sanderbusch. The Fryslân-Klinik, which works in the Standort department, ensures that the Klinikum-Klinik in Wilhelmshaven gets a common Klinik-Standort merger. If and who and how safe it is, it is not very insulting.

Health Minister Dr. Andreas Philippi (l.) and the Frisian Landrat Sven Ambrosy have planted a Krankenhausfusion aus in Donnerstag.

Anouschka Kramer