
Jugendhaus Weiz: A meeting place for young people

Jugendhaus Weiz: A meeting place for young people

Since 2001, the Jugendhaus Weiz has started playing with meeting, playing and learning under the name “Area52”. After a renovation in the year 2018, its age would go beyond the bed of youth.

WEIZ. Das Jugendhaus Weiz, named as “Area52”, was published in 2001 and modernized in 2018. If the large amount of money is raised, this is likely the case. No costs WLAN, Billard, Tischfußball and Darts are a music player, concert game and zur Verfügung. Alternative workshops zu unterschiedlichen Themen ergänzen das Angebot. Das Jugendhaus focuses on children and youth from 9 to 21 years. The educationally protected regret team has looked after it Prinzipien der offenen Jugendarbeit the young people Werte wie Freiwilligkeit or the cultural culture or the chance to since, and zwar überparteilich and überkonfessionell.

Das Jugendhaus Weiz is no longer a Treffpunkt. Man can Finding friends and creating new friends, aber es were also bought, bastelt or gefeiert auch Ausflüge gemacht and gemeinsam.

Children’s Days and Open House

Jeden Dienstag and Mittwoch are working on the Jugendhaus den “Kiddies”, children from 9 to 12Jahren. A diesen Tagen sie von 13 to 17 hours of communal play and a Workshops on Teilnehmen. From Donnerstag bis Samstag steht das “Open House” Jugendlichen from 12 to 21 years insult. The Teilnahme and Allen Angeboten are free of charge. During the Neuausrichtung 2018, the Jugendhaus was able to use its status as a credible Treffpunkt again.

Emanuel Loder is a trainer at Weizer Krav Maga-Verein and Macht Selbstverteidigungs-Workshops in Jugendhaus Weiz. | Photo: MeinBezirk/Barbara Vorraber

Selbstverteidigung für Junge Menschen

A toller workshop, which solved a problem in the Jugendhaus Weiz, is a self-study. Letzte fand Anfang Oktober statt. Der Weizer Krav Maga Trainer Emanuel Loder Taught the Kiddies a few tricks that can be displayed in conflict situations. I have a central position in the kitchen, technical facilities and boxes.

Emanuel Loder is one of the workshops in the Jungendhaus Weiz, the young person is a person sure Grundhaltung zu vermitteln, Lately, conflict between here can be avoided. “Man must not always take everything seriously and react. If verbal anger is often better, it cannot be said. If a man answers, then with understanding,” says Loder.

Photo: MeinBezirk/Barbara Vorraber

If it is not good, if man plays a role or is in this situation. “Bei Mobbing is one of the most popular things. We are a man who loses opferrole. A man who has embarrassed himself, is in the Ordnung, sich zu wehren. Aber niemals als first zuschlagen,” says Emanuel Loder. In camp sports, it becomes a camp, but other people are beaten. “If you no longer know how to deal with your camp, you can appeal to your mediocrity if you speak up and feel comfortable.”

Veranstaltungen in Jugendhaus Weiz

Wer Lust can be one of the workshops or active activities that are very simple, and the following terms are:

Children’s Days

  • October 22, 1-5 PM: Sport-Nachmittag
  • 29. October 13-17 Uhr: Halloween Decor painting & painting
  • 20. October 13-17 Uhr: Halloween Kurbisse schnitzen

Open House

  • October 17, 3-7 PM: The quick, perfect dinner
  • October 18, from 4:30 PM: House collection
  • October 25, 2-8 PM: Turniernachmittag
  • October 31, 3-7 PM: Halloween party

Aktuelle Termine is below

Jugendhaus Weiz Öffnungszeiten

Learning point:
Mon: 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
and after Vereinbarung

Children’s days for 9-12 years:
Tue: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Mon: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Open House for 12-21-Jährige:
Thursday: 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Fri: 2:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Sat: 2:30 PM – 7:30 PM

An Sonn- und Feiertagen geschlossen.

Very interesting: