
Die 12 heißesten Aktien der Welt

Die 12 heißesten Aktien der Welt

Auf welche Papiere die Profianleger and de US-Börsen jetzt setzen – ausgewählte Titel, die bis zu 100 Prozent Renditechancenen bieten

You are an art code — where I fly a lock, white, where the big money flies: the „13F Filings“. Every quarter has reported 8,500 top investors on Wall Street to the US Securities and Exchange Commission SEC, which Aktien has call or put options in their filings.
But the amount of information also poses problems. What strategy is based on a million active companies that can earn 8,500 gross with an average value of 100 million dollars? “TMI” — too much information — is what people say.

Grundsätzlich gives his two strategiesboth of which are a scientific achievement. Zum a man can die Top holdings special successful investors set. This idea is based on the Annahme, these positions are the best idea of ​​the Fund Manager broader mirror. The Best Billionaires Index (WKN: DA0AC5) from BÖRSE ONLINE gives up this idea. (…)

Yet there is still one Zweite Möglichkeit, aus de 13F Filings Profit zu schlagen: As Privatanleger man auf der Welle des Big Money. Our college Golo Kirchhoff has been given power with a special computer program from 13F archives than through time. (…) Here is a scientific basis: “The Aggregation of Information in Security Markets” by Roger G. Ibbotson and Jeffrey D. Kubik (…) That Forscher said, that’s it aggregated information if you perform an action, you must take the action.

Golo Kirchhoff has put that ready under the Proof. The quartet on the following page has studied 13 Hot Picks applications. And the Bilanz can see:
87% Profit with a software developer, 98% Profit with a bank, 84% Profit with a streaming service – now there’s one thing you can watch.

Important to know: There is a big Buy and Hold strategy, and the man will do it fast. The big money is bigger when it is new Ziele. (…).

Read more here Title story of the new Ausgabe von BÖRSE ONLINE all about the Wall Street’s Top Picks for the coming month.

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Starkes Gewinnplus with Bremsen
When the Schienensparte prosperity goes even further, the technique with Lkw-Technik is a good idea. Much bigger: the active strategy of the konzernführung brings deutlich more profit (P.22)

Big numbers, big plans
The vulnerability to optical technology is strong. The international agricultural technology group makes profit all over the world – with a quarterly calculation and an average Ausblick (S.24)

DAX Report Season

The profits of the DAX-konzerne increased in the second quarter of 2013 in German. Die Mehrheit has a positive überrascht. The DAX lives aber in both worlds. Die best Branchen, welche Konzerne Probleme haben (S.28)

Fast throw
The Riesen der Nahrungsmittel-Branche is focused on Beutezug. Der Schokoriegelkonzern Mars schnappte at Pringles-Hersteller Kellanova zu. Wed Anleger in de USA nun mit weiteren Übernahmen merit könnten (S.34)

Buy Japan now?
Everything now for a Treppenwitz der Geschichte? An der Börse Japan is powerful. But few days show the best results. Was war a passion? What is the legend of Warren Buffett’s Japanese investments? Die Chancen überwiegen wohl das Risiko (S.40)

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Photo: Börsenmedien AG