
“Zweite Krankheit”: Stigmatization of psychological illness: That’s a man’s day

“Zweite Krankheit”: Stigmatization of psychological illness: That’s a man’s day

“Second disease”
Stigmatization of a mentally ill person: That can last a day

Social Isolation, Poor Health: The stigmatization is often a huge burden for those affected. Photo

Social Isolation, Poor Health: The stigmatization is often a huge burden for those affected. Photo

© Felix Kastelein/dpa/dpa-tmn

Mentally ill people often do not suffer from any experience, but from stigmatization by others or by themselves. It is no longer that things are not going well.

Borders and surveillance – there are people with mental problems who are all in the camp. Is this so? A more important reason is stigmatization. There is a mental illness that has never been addressed as an individual, but the mental abilities in general are outlined.

Typical thoughts about mental problems are “incompetent, vulnerable or self-inflicted”, so stigma researcher Prof. Nicolas Rüsch, professor of public mental health at the University of Ulm and at the Mannheim-Heidelberg-Ulm location of the German Center for Mental Health (DZPG). The following data are more serious. It often happens that there is a “negative spiral from the back, demoralization and more suicidal risk”.

The sequel to the “second illness”

The stigmatization can be affected by a greater burden. In professional circles, here is spoken of the “second illness”. The quality of life can be very favorable. If the following years are a social isolation, the feelings or the consequences of a work process shift, while the negative treatment extends to the psychological problems that are caused, perhaps not affected or first by the diagnosis of “mental illness” affected, a diagnosis of “mental illness” by avoidance, so that the Action Community Seelische Gesundheit.

Look at a self-proclaimed stigma. If it is good, see the previous one, the man who is being watched. You also think: “weil ich psychisch krank bin, ich muss ich incompetent sein”. The problem is enormous: a well-considered study has yielded a lot, but 80 percent of the fragmented stigmatization has become like this, so Rüsch.

This stigmatization of the label is a problem. According to this: “In particular, the consequences of mental health problems are associated with serious risks, numerous health problems are associated with it,” says Heike Petereit-Zipfel vom Bundesverband der Angehörigen Psychischerkrankter Menschen (BApK) und Mitglied in Triaologische Zentrumsrat.

What was Kann Man Tun?

Can be influenced if other mentally ill people get into their problems, says DZPG-Sprecher Prof. Andreas Heinz. The function is essential in the Selbsthilfegruppen. A final connection point here can be the Federal Network Selbsthilfe seelische Gesundheit eV (NetzG). Solche Gruppen gives an extra boost to the fear. You can contact the Federal Association of Mental Health Professionals (BApK).

And all these other direct nor individual persons are affected by a negative influence on the mental sick and the fact that they suffer from it, which makes them freer and more anxious with a serious condition. If you make contact with the contact, then “you can buy a man’s hat, then there is another hat man”, so Heinz.

General gilded: One should inform oneself, affected of their heart and reconcile their thoughts and experiences nachzuvollziehen, not be more knowledgeable, and they will help us, psychological or psychiatric help in Anspruch to take. And: if it is stigmatized psychically, it can position every day.
