
planet of technology – Hardware Software Apps Smartphones Heimkino TV

planet of technology – Hardware Software Apps Smartphones Heimkino TV

A new Rechner has her, was he passion for the Office package on the other? It is not that it is a problem. And it is.

If the first answer to your product key is found, you can find your Office packages. Alternatively, the key comes out of the device and there are no more Drittanbieter-Tools. First if you use the key, you must follow the next steps.

Office vom alten Rechner entfernen

Before the Office package is put on the new rechner, it will be removed first. If you run the system control, you can use “Uninstall program” and “Microsoft Office”. Then click on the “Uninstall” button.

Office on new Rechner installation

Now you can install Office on the new drive. You can add the disk to or reload Office from the official Microsoft pages. Important: Consider the correct version of select – 32- or 64-bit. You can submit an Office request when starting Word. The program is now ready for action. You can click via the Internet or telephone.